So you had a good time, it was a nice ceremony, you got to talk to the bride and groom and drink beers with family, but still offer it as an example of how it was a ridiculous event? I’m not understanding your POV.
So you had a good time, it was a nice ceremony, you got to talk to the bride and groom and drink beers with family, but still offer it as an example of how it was a ridiculous event? I’m not understanding your POV.
You assume too much. I’ve been to lavish weddings, I’ve been to frugal weddings. No one said you had to spend tens of thousands (although I’ve enjoyed that kind of wedding too). It is a celebration and people (rather inexplicably in your case) want you to be there to enjoy an important moment in their life—the fact…
You sound... young and judgmental. Weddings are celebrations and it takes a really hard-hearted soul to say that they are “ridiculous” and to be “endured” by guests and only enjoyed by a “handful” of individuals. It certainly doesn’t correlate with my experience. People who don’t want to attend should decline the…
I like a big thick burger too, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room in my heart for the occasional smashed burger. My one tip—I’ve found that wetting the back of the spatula you smash with helps. Occasionally I’ve actually had the burger meat stick to the spatula when I lift up, which is a not good thing. The water…
Ha! I remember once toying with the idea of a DIY wine dispensing system like the WineKeeper—nitrogen-based, pressurized. I did some googling and that stupid cardboard soda machine (and a whole bunch of equally stupid variants) came popping up.
I’m with 4c Millions here. If you make a dumbass complaint that results in cops rolling somewhere, you ought to get a bill for their time. Happens with false alarms, happens with search and rescue if they decide you weren’t prepared, and it oughta happen to these pinheads. Hell, maybe give them the first dozen…
While I agree he ought to be fired, there needs to be even more—this needs to be a mark on his permanent record so he isn’t hired for any LE jobs in the future. See Otherwise he’ll just drift into another LE role…
That $110 “lab hot plate” is 250W—even the Joule, which is $200—is 1100W. And, given the difference between a heating element that the pot sits on versus an immersion heater directly inserted into the water, I have doubts that could keep up with the heating requirements for a lot of sous vide applications. I’d just…
The 2 gal. bags are awesome for marinading large objects, like pork shoulders or whole briskets.
Have at it. But I’m still judging you.
I know they are worth money, but the idea of used airpods—any product that goes in your ear, really—is conceptually pretty revolting to me.
Hating the prior patchy text threads on my phone and ipad, I enabled this. But for whatever reason, the threads aren’t sync’d up. Both have the right iOS update—on both I can go to Settings > My Picture > iCloud and enable “Messages.” I also have both set to back up to iCloud. And clearly the devices have downloaded…
That’s kind of how economics works. If you are good, you can seek out employment at higher end restaurants where the food costs more and tips are commensurately higher. Changing to a non-tip economy wouldn’t alter that—restaurant prices would likely go up on a percentage basis, and that amount would fund payments to…
Button mushrooms? Really? The tasteless, white things?
I had a friend who liked the beach because, in her words, it was “enforced boredom” (which sounds like the same theory being espoused here). But I have so much stuff that I want to do and can’t get to at any given time that I hate it.
I have a stainless sink. Every night after I finish putting things in the dishwasher and doing the handwash, I take 30 seconds to use the scrubber pad + dishsoap I’ve been using and give the sink a once over. Then rinse. This makes my sink shiny and nice. But it does not prevent the other denizens of my household (or,…
Kenji did a fair bit of research on sugaring, salting and letting it rest. His recipe has worked well for me. But I still prefer a Germanic vinegar-based slaw.
I beg to differ. ;)
Following his discharge, Skipper now works for United Airlines.