
Not really relevant, except my love/hate relationship with fish sauce. I’ve always used the stuff in recipes where it was blended in with a lot of other stuff—I know it is funky straight out of the bottle, but recently... wow. I was recently doing Melissa Clark’s Vietnamese Caramel Salmon for the Instant Pot (really

I’ve never wanted to choke the shit out of someone as much as the lady who told me that God must have had a reason for the loss of my son. If someone isn’t a devout member of your church and leading all your fucking prayer breakfasts, don’t bring up God. Best friend heard about it, jumped in a car, drove 30 miles, and

Those gigantic spiral sliced hams in vacuum sealed bags do well in sous vide too. I, like Mario’s, go from freezer to sous vide all the time. For things like chicken breast/thighs for chicken salad, I’ll just vacuum seal portions from the big grocery store flat packs and freeze. I also reheat things like stews,

Wasabi doesn’t have capsaicin in it.

It feels like there is a difference between a bouquet of flowers and the coffee thing—you don’t generally buy a bouquet (or splurge on the bottle of wine at the fancy restaurant) every day, but the “buy the coffee” crowd seems to have a daily habit. That means $6 for flowers once a month is $6/mo., but a $4 coffee

I’m with you on the bins. I do this for beach and car camping-type trips and it makes things really easy. Also allows me to bring a collection of kitchen gear to rentals so I don’t have to use crappy knives and other things. Bonus is that covered bins can also be thrown in the back of the pickup truck and won’t get

I know, I know... I’m not supposed to be looking at her head. But now that I’ve noticed how massive her head is, I just can’t see anything else.

While I’ll probably concede that Alton is the best at educational cooking shows and that we all owe a debt of gratitude to Julia for making cooking a thing in the U.S., what got me off my ass to cook was, oddly, Yan Can Cook. And I think it is also fair to blame modern food media on Emeril, although the two celebrity

Somebody Feed Phil (and “I’ll Have What Phil Is Having”) are awesome. I think he’s said “this is the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth” every episode, which would normally annoy me, but he does it with the unabashed delight of a 3 year old, which totally makes it OK.

You are absolutely right. Bad memory. I looked at the recommended tracking force for the cartridge I use and it is 2.0g.

I think the point is that the produce was originally washed—pre-bagging—in an environment that had done those steps. The point being that unless you adhere to those same standards of commercial sanitation, you can only do harm.

Their specs say 2g tracking force, but someone measured it to be 2.3g. Way heavy as far as I’m concerned, but gimmicky things like this will appeal to people who don’t care about potentially damaging their vinyl or having only a limited selection of replacement cartridges. If you want a laugh, read the technical

That looks pretty gimmicky. You’re going to need relatively high tracking force when the platter orientation is vertical, which is going to severely limit your choice in cartridges and isn’t going to be particularly great for your records—there is a reason for the conventional horizontal design of turntables. I would

I’m going to go ahead and point out that you should understand the connectivity options. A turntable, in a classic sense, doesn’t have either a phono pre-amp in it (applies RIAA equalization curves and brings sound levels up to line level) or an amp in it. Buying a turntable and plugging it into a receiver that just

CI had a really great carnitas recipe. You need:

  • What is the best way to cook bacon? I’ve come around to using the Lekue microwave tray. Cooks crisp, grease pours off easily, and you can throw it in the dishwasher.

This kind of works the other way too... I got pulled over in Italy, and pretty much did what the article says—pulled over to the side of the road, unrolled my window. I think I became obvious very early from my very confused expression as the rapid fire Italian clearly went over my head that there were a lot better