
Hate to tell you, this isn't running on a PS3... Exclusives are done for, my friend. Welcome to a world where we can all play the same thing no matter what shiny box you bought, or what shape your controller is.

His hand shook. He looked down at the small plate of food, and shuttered just a bit. Inside, he knew it was wrong. What he had been doing for so long, the effect that it had had on his life. But she was his now, dammit, regardless of how it had come to be. Yet as these thoughts graced his mind, his hand trembling, he

Why is there a story about this posted every three weeks? C'mon guys...

Of course it excludes it. Alex Roy always drives in class.

1. Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4

Who're you on KCSR? I completely agree with you though. When KCSR rolled out the "Street racing: Kansas City Approved" hoodies, I snagged one ASAP. Because let's face it, when you take away a major venue for racers, that drew attention from all over the country for car shows and drags, and force them to drive four

That's not a street racer. Some of us have honor, and a code to which we drive by that doesn't involve anything like that. What you saw, sir, was a fucking moron, and a ricer. Please learn to differentiate.

And apparently something called a Barbarian.

So where's the Kickstarter for this? I'm down to throw money at this. He only needs like, what, 3b?

British people tend to like us out of sympathy because we revolted, and now we need them.

F22 is also a baby of the Navy, so... It's more like they just failed twice.

You have too much faith in Humanity, friend. While we're very ingenious, I doubt we'll live to see past maybe four thousand years. We're going to destroy our own planet, and assuming space travel takes off, we'll go and destroy others.

Hah! Never heard that. Now I'll use it. :D

No, you see photoshopped reflections.

Heart click for you. Wish they'd done the entire quote as a comic though, to the part where he ends up stating that we are the universe, observing itself.

Chassis and Italian leather. From, y'know... Italy. You're not actually paying for a damn thing from Detroit other than sheet metal. Engine, chassis, suspension, transmission is all Alfa.

Thumbs up for making me chuckle, and also hearing the same thing I did! Hahaha.

Thumbs up for making me chuckle, and also hearing the same thing I did! Hahaha.

You're not the only one. I too tried very hard to enjoy the Witcher 2, but after several hours, I just kind of fizzled out on it. It's linear, it's boring, and sure it's pretty, but it's just so slow.

One could even say they are making... Enhancements to the procedures.