
Is there no V6 option for the Mazda 6 in this generation? That's just... not.. no.

Oi now, I wouldn't say Gizmodo is a bunch of trouble makers. We'd just have some sort of cyberpunk\glistening dome city future paradise. But on a realistic note, I think that it would be best if we did try to build a colony on mars. Not quite terraform or populate it, but something like the self-sustaining atmosphere

Are you... even aware of how incredibly difficult it would be to put an exact date on something like this? These kind of events happen over centuries. Not just one day the water was gone. Learn some critical thinking before you tap on your keyboard again.

Magnetosphere weakened, causing the atmosphere to slowly blow away in the galactic winds essentially. This removal of atmosphere caused the water to evaporate or boil away over thousands of years or less. Or freeze entirely, considering the temperatures, as we see at the poles on Mars.

I never said it was charming, nor is it quite civilized that that's the way the world turns, but it's true. Wars make jobs. Wars force us to re-evaluate other humans as nothing more than meat, and a way with which to kill that meat with extreme efficiency. That process spurs scientific advancement. A byproduct of

Because war begets technological and scientific progress? And that progress is what will get technology and science to a point where science fiction becomes science fact?

Same! Had a black with red-door-stripes Iroc Z. Loved it to pieces. Literally. Blew it up on the drag strip and ended up driving a Cavaliere for about four months.

"Yo, Kodax!" came the chirp of a small, dark haired girl from one of the several vendor-shanties beneath the abandoned overpass. He couldn't help but smile as he slowed his large, six-wheeled truck to one side, popped his passenger door and slid out of the seat.

In 2118, Earth had finally expended it's natural resources. No longer were we able to simply waste our fuel on such things as cars and giant motors. No, oil and it's byproduce were a coveted scarcity now.

Oh my god yes <3

He's 12. You're berating a child for being a child. Seriously, you guys are possibly the shittiest subsidiary of Gawker. You want a real article? Find this kids' parents, and see what they do, how they behave, and see what they think about the video. There's your real story, you idiot. The parents. Go attempt real

Protip: Gals

?!?!?! Text (mandatory)

The American kind,.

Didn't this have trailers for it like early last year, and then it got delayed? I recall seeing said trailers (I think) before Captain America, and when I never heard any more about it I assumed the movie tanked and wasn't worth seeing. Anyone else lived in this alternate timeline I seem to be remembering?

You know what? That's wonderful. Good for you. But it's fair to point out that Harley Quinn in any incarnation is usually like... size 4. Max. So it's a bit off of the original content to have a plus sized model, isn't it? Take your self righteous feminine liberal bullshit back to Jezebel. <3

It must be observable for it to exist, or so it goes. Someone or some thing observed us, and thus, we exist.

Nope, you're right. This is from a Dragon Ball Z panel, not Dragon Ball.

That's right, fight the power, you dirty, daring rebel you!

Yes, yes they should. If consoles don't want to end up a dead or dying industry, they will alert them. I'm glad you agree.