
What an asshole. Drunkenly brushing your thigh while you weren't even attempting to listen to whatever it was he was saying! How dare he become mobile in your presence! The second one, however, is completely justified. Creepy paedophiles.

You're... Kidding, right? Is this the slighted, judgmental way you view the world? I mean, obviously yes it is, or you wouldn't be a starred commentor on Jezebel...

Absolutely not, haha.

This happens the first weekend that my girlfriend and I get to spend together in like, a month and a half? Come ON.

Can only imagine someone threw a fit about it being PG13 and having the main enemy called a 'bugger'

Well, Hollywood white washed it. Where's the seething hate he has for his Brother, or the heart-ache over never seeing his sister? Where is the mental breakdown in his school on earth where he destroys the boy who's been bullying him? I was really looking forward to this, They kinda killed it.

It wouldn't. Your protest would be lost in red tape and buried beneath thousands of pounds of paperwork, never to be seen again until the Cold Case producers go digging for fresh, hip material.

Pfft. Just wait. Watch members of the IDF be part of Anon, who then parachute in to the city, deploy darknet forwarding-routers, set up basic internet, and gtfo.

Because that general form tends to be the most aerodynamic, along with the fact that so far, the majority of EV's are 2WD. Prius being FWD, Tesla and Fisker being RWD.

More than you can afford, PAL!

Neither. Both would end in a tirewall.

Got an ad for a Buick Verano. You're telling me.

Why? It still looks stunning. We're keeping it.

They only had room for one button, Agree wasn't it...

You just perfectly summed up everything that is wrong with America. Bravo, sir.

Let's skip the whole application process, and get right to my interview: What is it you expect to see develop from this position in the next year?

IKEA is on it!

...Now, if only we could somehow steal a giant spinal column and build stairs in to it. I would put that in my house -so. hard.-

We put ourselves in charge, horrifyingly.

If you're serious, I'd like an AMA. :x