
At one point, we also informed them that we were all jelly donuts. America does that kind of thing a lot.

Heart click for you. Were I able, I would star you.


More like colour you red, yes? What with the sudden bursts of flames, and the unexplained axle-wobble on the platform they're apparently basing this off of. :3

Assassins Creed: Adventures with the Dragon Born - that's all I can take away from these gorgeous landscape shots.

You... Do know you posted the same thing like four times, right?


Really? They seemed to be pretty clever.

With the problems that come along with an 80 or 90,000 mile M3... Enjoy your oil issues.

THAT would be worth the NSFW tag, in pictures.

...This gets a NSFW tag? Really? A picture of some silicone stuck in an ear canal? Good lord what kind of mambi-pambies read this site?

Did you actually... y'know, play ME3 at all? Get back to me when you have, and explain why that kind of ending is EVER okay.

What an uncommon issue for them to have. Mine has 136k miles on it and runs like a dream.

Well, let's all enjoy the first season together, eh? And maybe if the gods smile upon us, we'll get at least half of season two, before SyFy cancels it to replace it with either A: Wrestling or B: Ghost Hunting

His publicist told him the same thing you wrote in your first sentence. And his publicist then proceeded to interpret the above from his angry shouting and fist pumping.

Working within your own theory of the time it takes for a species to evolve, I do not find it easy to believe we are the only intelligent life in this galaxy. For one, our system is not nearly as old as some of the systems found on the outer rim. Our own solar system is young, with a middle-aged yellow sun, and the

Yes, Greek Methology would be interesting. I'd be willing to read a historical book along the lines of "Greece, the method and the manners of cooking Meth in mid-century Greece."

Just wanted to say you're not alone here. I'm a huge fan and pay constant attention to these types of things. Not long ago I found a company that takes completely custom orders for arm and leg prosthetics, making them from any material you want, and as complex as you could desire, for the appropriate price. I've often

It goes something like: Long ago, Ancient Origin Species X discovered Xenomorphs. Some agreed that they were a massive threat to all sentient, sapient life in the Galaxy. Some thought that they should be used as a weapon. After a short internal struggle it was decided that every Xenomorph should be killed, and that

Are you serious?