
I can vouch for Swiss cops being real tight-asses about car laws.

And what exactly the fuck is your problem? Your entire post seems made of outrage and wide-eyed wonder that someone could possibly be paid off for something. If you don't want to have something fucking explained to your stupid ass, don't make a fucking comment questioning why it happens and asking for an explanation.

Suspension of disbelief is often required in these situations. If they took the time to technically rewire the systems, or bypass the lock security from a different console, it would turn in to an entire different genre of movie. As it is, it's an action\thriller, not an espionage-styled action flique.

Politics and money. Don't act like you've never seen people get paid off on these issues.

You're... kidding, right? Please? Please say you're kidding? I really, deeply, truly love Mass Effect. And I can see where you're coming from if you have NO IDEA who Riddley Scott is, or what a certain 70's movie called "Alien" is.

Well. Holy poop. :|

Everything aside, this sounds like a wonderful idea. No where in the legislation are they called "filthy whores" - No need to be so worked up about it in your article.

Highly doubt that was "released" by CN. Seems to be the work of a fangroup.

I feel kind of behind, man... I'm using a rooted Nook, and I think it's amazing. I don't need 4 cameras and a processor capable of playing games, when all I do is use it for internet.


Onion dust will do that... ;-;

You're right. Game devs are free to do what they want to do with their game. However by selling this game to the public, and by asking for reviews, they open themselves to the social contract, which would state that after hundreds of hours of game time, and hundreds of dollars spent on games and merchandise, that we

Looks soo much like a Geth that I'm shocked Bioware hasn't made a stink about the artwork yet...

Hah! Promotion!

Pfft. Nice try.

I can only imagine the retake omega mission will be first. Considering there is what appears to be quest dialogue with Aria, which doesn't actually go anywhere, about taking Omega back.

Disrespect is a company blatantly lying about how a series will end. Disrespect is a company that builds up your attachment to characters, only to kill most of them off-screen in your final decision. Disrespect is taking the emotional involvement that we have put in to this game, the hundreds of hours and hundreds of

Paid once a week! :D But yeah, I meant the awesome statue edition. It's been so long since I got the truly awesome edition of a game. Last time was... Halo 3 with the helmet, I believe.

Sorry for being douchey. You took it well though. I just got done commenting on an article on Gizmodo full of people with Droid phones, complaining. Anyways I know how you feel, I actually switched from an S2 to a 4S, just because every cool app I saw was on the iEcoSystem of devices. Sucks, but it's what you have to

Just got a new job. Goodbye 1/8th of my first paycheck. :3