
Oh come on, stop calling for him to be banned. For fucks sake, anyone who frequents Kotaku should know better than to read the comments about a game, that just came out, on an article about said game. Common sense: Use it. Same for the guy who spoiled the ending, common sense. But no need for a ban.

Oh you're such a daring rebel! Tell us more of your dastardly, devious adventures that fly in the face of large corporations!

Shepard + Laser Wings = Win in any situation.

Oh. Duh. For some reason I thought it launched on a Friday... My bad~ That's pretty bad, too... I went to the midnight launch and everything, lol.

Enjoy it. Everything about ME3 is fucking glorious, EXCEPT for the ending. You will see, my friend. Sadly, you will see...

Well, do consider: Kotaku is mainly edited and written by Americans. Thus, the game has been out 1.5 weeks now. The dead horse of "I'm in Europe stop writing about these things because !!!!" has been beaten.

Are you serious? What, are you and Owen the same person here, failing to actually get the point of this entire exercise? There's no "way we want it". That's not it at all, can you not read? The "ending" that we got IS NOT AN ENDING. It's that simple. Endings are made of closure and good writing and bringing the epic

You make me laugh. Read your whole post, and then I went back to your own words. "It's absolutely horrid to witness just how inept the gaming community is to analyze narrative and plot structure. Have any of you read a book or watched a film? Endings serve one purpose and one purpose only, and that's to tie every plot

While the entanglement communicators are a valid point, it's moot. What good is talking to someone on the very literal opposite side of the galaxy? What are they going to attempt to do about the various systems that were shipping goods back and forth for trade, which prevented economic collapse? And as far as the

Pretty much. It made me laugh that Edi and Jeff stepped off of the Normandy, when I had specifically seen EDI laying in the mud at my feet as I stumbled towards the pillar of light.

Oh, really? We're so self entitled. So very. Bioware is full of amazing writers and amazing artists. Yet for the ending they give us a rushed, poorly thought out, black and white set of decisions. Not even a set, really, more so a single ending with three variations. None of our choices mattered in the long run,

Make you think? Are you serious? Here's what you got to think about: Save the Geth and EDI, OR Kill the Geth and Edi. Alternatively, fore-go letting them die, and make them proto-organics, effectively making your decision pointless all together. Because regardless of WHAT you chose, the Mass Effect relays are gone.

They worshiped it as their God.

Came here to say that. God help us if trophy wives get one of these. God help us if they actually but this blasphemy against the Bentley name in to production, as well.

I like this one better. I'll take three.


I'd be invasive to her species, if you know what I mean.

Wow! Quality journalism! Oh, wait, oops. Sorry. Why would you pass on the online Final Fantasy settings? XI was beautiful, well written and very engaging. FFXIV DOES have a main story line, and it's pretty good in the long run. Capping them with "I didn't play it lol so it doesn't deserve a blip" is pretty god damn

(SPOILERS)I had a real intimacy issue: I made some bad choices, and Tali died. Right before the big jump-off mission, when your love interest comes in for sexy time, guess who saunters through the door? Tali. For a moment I thought Bioware was being really creative with the whole war and stress aspect, and that it

See the part that says "Student"? Also, not everyone majors in a degree that will pull them a shit ton of money while they're still in school. Condescending much?