
Religion was a blanket for Humanity to cling to when we couldn't explain the lightning in the sky, or the quaking beneath our feet. But now... Religion has out-stayed its' welcome. It is holding society back, it is the basis for atrocities around the globe, and it is forcing it's out-dated way of understanding on each

Video was on PC.

Right. So you're either way too serious about your Call of Duty, or you're one of those 9 year olds yelling "Shut up". Good work!

You can't handle it because some players actually play as a team? Sad.

Nope. David Tenant will always be my nerd god.

The OCD one made me OCD a little bit inside...

Unlike the majority of Americans, I have indeed been to France. I have met a broad majority of French people. The people were incredibly rude to me when I was there, and the French people I met here at home weren't any better. I'm not usually a dick, nor am I predisposed to hating other cultures or nationalities. I've

Guys, guys... Why are you all complaining? EA let their licensing with Porsche renege, and Turn10 snagged it. We have Porsches. Who cares if it's a separate game. WE GOT PORSCHE BACK!!!

Wow, this is incredibly stupid and pointless. Why even bother posting this tripe? I come here for the occasionally hilariously pro-feminist anti-men articles, but this doesn't even fall in to anything remotely amusing, informative, or interesting. Why?

Or maybe you're just misinterpreting everything that is said or posted here. Which seems to be far more likely, considering you're obviously someone who frequents this site. So, why don't you just go on and gently blow on out of here. So much dust in so much wind. Goodbye.

I love you, and you are far more able to put in to words how I feel about this site than I was able to. The amount of bullshit this "news site" puts out is hilarious. If they think that the "good ol' boys" club blogs are bad, they should look in the mirror and realize that their ridiculous left-wing "feminist power

Eh, it's just because he was French. I've discovered many horrible things about life have their origins in France, or are an invention of the French people. Generally awful place\people all around.

I couldn't agree more. Any more these days, American cartoons aren't "action hero" oriented like the toons of old. They're based on witty sarcasm, and to some extent a blatant rudeness and disrespect for adults. I would never allow my child to watch Spongebob, as it rots the brain. On the other hand, I've allowed my

Depending on what they use to make them hover, it's probably incredibly more harmful than some tires would be.

The true renegade option would go something like this:

Very nice. Thank you for the clarification. Some of these articles miss things on occasion... Good to have a solid readership. :D

There is also the account in the Qouran, which specifies Jesus as one of several prophets.

You all saw the part where the Turian Fleet was headed towards Earth, right? Along with the Flotilla? Anyone else see that? Someone tell me I'm not seeing things!

Heart click for you <3 Eva ftw.

Just going to point this out quietly, because I'm sure you'll get your atheist panties in a knot here, but there are several reasons to believe that yes, Jesus was a real person. Was he the son of god? Probably not. Was he special? Sure, in the sense that someone who spends all their time helping others is.