
While it does look good, it has about a thousand pounds up on the FR-S, and that makes a huge difference. It's the same size as a Mustang, while the FT-86 is the size of an MX-5.

I think the only time I use Siri is to find directions, which is super convenient, and to set alarms before bed without clicking through two screens and having to find the clock icon.

Holy hell, someone else who both saw and remembers this show. Loved it when I was a bit younger!

That's pretty sexy. Looks like an Apple-Tesla...

Please explain further why Apple is crap? I'm interested in hearing your in-depth deposition on this topic. Do go on.

Ehhh... 3/10. He shoots, and misses.

Link? You peaked my interest @ Fully 3D desktop. Sounds like a huge waste of resources, but I bet it sure is pretty...

Yes, you can. On the Dev preview, striking the windows key put you back in normal mode, which looks exactly like a normal desktop, and not some sort of giant Windows 8 Phone Tablet Monstrosity.

You leave our RDF alone! Microsoft, no matter how hard they try, can never be as amazing as our glorious, brushed aluminium Apple Overlords!

And fixed. Thank you good sir.

You sir, have described something amazing. A ship, that in and of itself, is also a railgun, due to the nature of the physics surrounding FTL travel. Imagine we encounter an alien species, and this primitive form of FTL is all we have. We pop in to the system, and there they are. And then they're gone, because we

So, were this to become a real thing, and we had to worry about the amount of particles being blasted from the envelope, why wouldn't we just ban intra-system jumps? If you're going between the planets, fire up the ion drives and the engines and do it that way. If you're jumping systems, you can only enter or exit a

You missed the point, to an extent. I was saying we'd never do that because A: We like you guys, for the most part. B: We'd have to fight your military PLUS all the drug cartels. Which in their own right are a completely different military faction. I mean yeah if push ever came to shove and the entire Mexican

You're not alone. When I saw the uniform I did a double take, and almost expected an N7 logo.

Stopped reading at "Browser Based" - GoT deserves better than that.

My wife, who is an ex mormon, explained it to me like this: They do it after death, and it somehow unlocks an option as to which heaven you'd rather go to. Mormon heaven, Catholic Heaven, 72 Virgin Heaven, and so on.

It seems your operation of "Survival Instinct" has failed to execute. Would you like to be rebooted?

Yes it was. But if GM wants to do an exercise in racing technology of today, they can do it with a different name plate. The GNX is special, dammit. :(

I think two years for every 500 the tree was there. 14 years in jail should be long enough to break that habit, and to prevent her from burning down the Louvre or something.

Nope. Sorry. If theyre going to revive the GNX, revive it right, not as some modern reinterpretation. Bring it back as a turbo-6, RWD 6-speed, and have it in the same bracket as the CTS-V and the Camaro SS