
You sir, have a made a Buick Accord.

Well, let's see. RWD? Check. 5.0 V8? Check. Stunning design? Check. If it drives and rides anything like the Equus (Which, I'm sure it will), then it's more than enough of an alternative to a 7 series. It's like getting a 7-series for a third of the price, but it has more standard features, and less of the "It was

As funny as you wanted that to be, I'm sure, you missed the goal all together. It's actually a geneological record of the majority of humanity, taken from different countries all over the world. And yes, it is creepy that a religion can do this while a government cannot. They use the records for posthumously baptizing

And look how much better it's done.

To me, a truly great feat of "advanced technology" is something that can stand the test of time successfully, and is easily accessible\usable\ view-able by the public. So far the Clarity is none of these. It is not obtainable by hardly anyone, the places you can fill it up are few and far between, and it's

So... Can we just inject ourselves with Telomorase... serum?

Cool. The most advanced car of this decade is a vehicle that has 0 infrastructure built for it, an unoptimized fuel storage solution, and a range of roughly 230 miles. That sure is... oh, wait, it's actually not advanced at all. Come on. I love you Jalopnik, and you're usually spot on, but this is just horrible. The

Interesting. Read in Mordins voice. Please continue to post as such.

Don't even get me started on how completely different the internals of the PS3 are compared to the 360. The PS3 may as well be a next generation machine by comparison to the Xbox 360.

They also mentioned that the file size restriction of XBL made it almost impossible, sadly. That said, console licensing costs a ton of money, thus why it's easier to put it out on PC as opposed to consoles.

Because, doing it for someone else is always easier than doing it for yourself.

Warm, Fuzzy and Dead! How the new advent of wireless electricity effects you, your family, and your work place. More at 10!

You sure are fucking stuck on how an 11 year old girl was 'degrading' herself by fighting over a boy... Get the fuck over yourself and get off your high horse. Oh! GOOD FOR YOU! You were 'better than that' at 11. You don't know what her family situation is\was. You don't know what social context this took place in.

Top tier trolling, sir. Top tier.

Alternatively: He's with Shield. Cybernetic eye much?

Spoiler would be: Prothean squad mate. Cerberus inside C-SEC. Kaiden is a party member again. Nothing super major spoilery since the whole Prothean thing already leaked, but yeah. Good call for Owen.

I'm sorry, but are you as racist as you come across in this post?

While I do agree with you to an extent, I really think we need to get the ISS in a better state of use. We have it up there essentially taking pretty pictures, and that's it. Which is lovely and all, but we need to outfit it in to some sort of orbital drydock. Send supplies up, have them assembled, and start creating

"They're coming..."

Idiot? Or marketing genius? His product obviously works.