
I had one of the last GTV-6's in the country, and it got wrecked by some stupid kid in a truck. I miss that amazing little car...

Just pick it up and shake it.. For a very long time.

If you're in the US, the Legacy 3.0 Spec B was available here. Still is.

I agree. It's not a car that you drop. Defeats the purpose of the car entirely.

Yep. I could, for example, state that all media information on a place called "Thailand" is simply a misunderstanding of reports, and that people claiming to be from "Thailand", simply don't know how to pronounce where they're actually from in any translatable way. Any maps pointing to "Thailand" have simply

The whole "only" 720p thing really grates on me. It looks just as good as 1080p unless you're a huge videophile about that sort of thing. Being honest, I'm not. We snagged a 50" Samsung 3D Plasma set about a month ago, and it's only 720p, and everything looks simply amazing.

Beat me to it. Hahaha.

That's how I want to go out as an elderly gentlemen. Naked, with an axe, and fighting a bear in the snow. And if I don't get killed, well, I'll have a cool story. And a new rug.

I won't lie. I download games on occasion. Very, very rarely, however, do I not go out and buy them afterwards. Downloaded Portal to try it out way back when? Guess what. I bought two copies on Steam and gifted one to a friend. Same with Borderlands (huge disappointment, but I bought it all the same). Not everyone who

I agree. A grizzly old knight character would be pretty cool.

No joke... Saw it at E3 what, two years ago, and nothing since? Here's to hoping it's not a vaporware. :\

I just want my laser pods back. Those things were amazing.

Is anyone else shocked that something so purely sub-standard as Sanctuary is still on air, while something amazingly wonderful like SG:U got the boot? Silly Sci-Fi, pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Except this game is actually good. Sure, it needs a few patches. What game doesn't on release? I'm loving it so far. As an avid CoD:BO\MW2\BF fan, it says a lol when I don't touch either of those games for 48+ hours.

Quality comment. +1.

Oh, you're the author! How nice! Lovely article all said and done. And I admit, it is indeed more about fighting, but the backdrop is irrefutably one of the coolest apocalyptic settings I've read through. Mainly, I think, because they revert to an almost feudalistic system and setting. Really brings to light how far

Hello, sir or madame -

Why is there no "Fist of the North Star" on here? The entire world has been ruined by nuclear apocalypse in that manga\show! Totally deserves to be here.

I'm with you. No need to let them dirty up our nice clean city. Kill 'em, and toss 'em overboard. :) Look forward to serving with you later today.

The exact somewhat round-about point I was going to make, and then forgot to. :D