
You should get one of those uh... What're they called? Oh, right. The only system worth owning because it can play literally everything and is years and years ahead of consoles in terms of hardware. What're they again... Oh! Gaming PC. Thanks.

I couldn't agree more. Did a Black-top swap in to my AW11 and that thing was an absolute screamer. I never pegged myself for the type of guy to fall in love with ONE car, but I'll be damned if I'm not searching for another AW-11 as we speak, because I'm bored of my Type-R.

I've driven both, and the first is a far better car. Perhaps not from a comfort or head room stand point, but come on. You're not a real Jalop if you think the New Beetle is better than the old-school one.

Why yes. I would. I suppose I'm a simple sort of person.

Or perhaps it doesn't hurt, and you're simply experiencing a simulation of real pain, which has been degraded over and over through the countless infinite simulations.

I won't feed the troll by giving you a half a page of comments like the others have, but you're an idiot. Fuck off with utmost haste.

Omg, I love you. If someone else didn't mention it, I was going to. I'm happy I found someone else who watched Sliders! :D

But there's the issue. Does a burger *need* to be a masterpiece to be enjoyable? Is it required to be cut in to perfectly formulated circles, and cooked just so? I don't think it does, friend. I don't think it does.

I'm making a wallpaper folder out of these, but I'm going to skip this one. Terrible angle.

Really? Religion prevented the saving of her life? How stupid. This is the issue I take with religion half the time, is that it prevents something that could perfectly well be beneficial to you.

Just to be picky, the Bebop doesn't travel the Galaxy. They travel the Solar System. :D

No death sentence for this man. Just send him to me, and give me a room in a government-secured building where no one can hear him scream. All I need is a knife and some bamboo. I'll show that motherfucker 'prolonged.'

I used to be in Kansas City Kansas, and I can agree that it sucked. Now that I'm in Utah, I can go to cons and such in LA and Vegas so much easier. So much fun, too.

I was hoping for the same. Not gonna lie. I scanned the article for a bit looking for the words "Entanglement" or "Quantum"

I really don't see why Nintendo has to keep doing this. "We need to distinguish ourselves" - No you don't! This is NOT 1980 when you were new to gaming and had to break on to the scene with something inventive and new every few years. This is not what you need to be doing! Quit with the SD cards, quit with the

Yes. It is. And they look awesome.

You never know. Fringe took off pretty well, and it's a bit of an oddball show.

Which, to be honest... Will be awesome.

This is how everything should be built. :\ Beautiful beautiful work, and I really do love how they've managed to make it a straight up part of nature.

That was my first assumption too. Badasses in suits? I was like lolwut. And then I got the "Snake in the grass" bit.