
Dude makes pro-genocide statement on twitter. Dude is surprised that this provoked a negative response? I think we typically want a negative response to statements like that. And whatever stupid shit Breitbart probably said, the Twitter responses were not a “horde of racist trolls”. In a couple minutes of

Jason, I have just read your review on FFXV, and I don’t think an article have ever given me the chills yours did. It was a very impressive article and it almost made me cry, and it was just a game review too! Thank you so much for posting that article. It means so much right now.

YouTube is an echo chamber of self-promoting teenage mania. This is what happens when you give the loud and the clueless a camera and a platform.

Agreed. If I was on a flight and anyone stood up—don’t care what they looked like or what language they spoke—and started yelling and pumping their fist and generally causing a disturbance, all the while filming it—I would expect that they would be tossed off the flight.

started to watch this then decided i dind’t want to give him the views.

Now playing

Youtube pranksters are the fucking devil. Saleh is one of the worst; his shtick is exactly this. One of his videos is “Counting down in Arabic on a plane”. Another, posted below, is him pulling hijabs off Muslim women in public, “to see how people react”. He’s a professional asshole, another entitled YouTube piece of

The guy films his pranks at airports or in airplanes and then we’re supposed to be outraged that he finally got kicked off a plane?

Shouting people get kicked off flights all the time.

News outlets are interviewing most of the fellow passengers and most of them back up the airline - most state that he was yelling (yes, in Arabic), pumping his fist in the air and generally causing a scene. this point, I’m inclined to believe the airline. Between the others passengers and his history....yeah.

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

In the comics, Swinton’s character is a stereotypical “wise Asian” character, which many people find offensive. Rewriting that role as a white woman removes that, and creates a role for a woman. And then, they wrote a new Asian role and cast an Asian actor. No Asian actors lost work, a role for a woman was created, a

This was not cultural appropriation. It is a comic book character, and you’d be just fine if a white comic book character got played by a different race.

In the comics, Swinton’s character is a stereotypical “wise Asian” character, which many people find offensive. Rewriting that role as a white woman removes that, and creates a role for a woman. And then, they wrote a new Asian role and cast an Asian actor. No Asian actors lost work, a role for a woman was created, a

i keep smashing this story together in my mind with yesterday’s story of the muslim woman who faked the story about the trump taunts and hijab removal.

Damn and here I thought she was reaching out specifically to an Asian American to try and learn more about the situation and how to approach it. Silly me!

I wonder how many people reacting in the first article will bother to read this one. This made me rethink everything.

Not to mention the false Kitty Genovese narrative that bystanders did nothing.

This exactly. I didn’t sign-up precisely because it required me to get off my 3DS and use that godawful website and create yet another account, the password of which I would probably forget within the day. Yeah, no.


I’m always saying this, but one of the really hard things about being a parent is knowing that there are men out there who want to do this to a child. Like that’s their greatest desire. My daughter is now 11 so it’s still bad, but when she and her brother a little younger I would just start to lose my shit in Target