
Truthfully, I don't know if I can ever say whether Adnan is innocent or guilty unless a massive overlooked 'smoking gun' is revealed. My gut feeling is that Jay's story is/was pretty inconsistent, but that also doesn't mean the essence of it isn't true. The main conclusion that my friends and I arrive at is that the

Set up a profile. You only need to change the controls once.

I'm actually shocked that more people aren't commenting on that little exchange at the end there. And the ones that do write it off as a joke. I'm sorry, but I just looked at it as fairly problematic. My partner, who enjoyed the first movie a lot, definitely cringed at the end of that trailer at that scene. There are

It is a really fun game. And gorgeous. The puzzles in the first ten chapters aren't super complex, but there were a few that had me staring at the screen for a few minutes in a stupor before I figured it out. And the basic mechanics definitely have potential for expanding. I'll be downloading the additional levels for

Feel free to disagree with her views, but your comment is belittling a pretty serious situation . It's kind of crazy to go on a post where someone threatened to kill her and shoot up a school, crack your knuckles, and say "Can't wait to see who she blames for this one!"

Some guy threatens to kill her and shoot up a school, and she's an attention troll. Wow, dude. You're pretty messed up.

To be quite honest, I'm usually quite behind the "women need to be represented more in games as protagonists." Because they do. However, the FF franchise is not one of the culprits in this. They've had a good number of strong female leads. Sometimes their handling of women in games is a bit cringeworthy, but overall,

Thank you for this. Everytime I went on anything game related on Reddit this week I wanted to jump off a cliff. So much anger spewed at developers, at game critics, at...well, Kotaku a good bit too. I don't get it. I'm 30 yearsold, been playing games since the original NES. I love the games. Love, as in they are a

Only he has the brains to rule Lylat.

Is this like the days of having a star next to your name? I worked hard all those years ago to get a star...then it was removed due to the newer it's coming back? To be quite honest, I still don't like Kinja's formatting. I know its been here a while and it's not going anywhere, but I just don't think it

You're telling me. I'm still amazed I can play Ocarina of Time on a 3DS. I just completed FFX on Vita and it's almost unbelievable to me that I can take that game with me wherever I go.

What a shame, I love my Vita. It has a ton of games, especially if you missed out on some PSP classics last generation. It still gets some great PS+ games every month (Dragoncrown, Fez, Guacamelee), and you can play Final Fantasy 1-10 on it in various forms (PS1 classic, PSP release, Vita HD update). Also, as much as

Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo, as no one else wanted to do it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the game originally unveiled at Sony's E3?

This actually made me more interested in the film now. Adding it to my list to check out.

Agreed. Nintendo is sitting on yet another cash cow with these soundtracks. I listen to the Super Mario Galaxy OST (disc came with my Wii I believe) and the Zelda music disc that came with Skyward Sword at work on a fairly regular basis. I would pay a fairly decent sum for many of the other Zelda soundtracks, Metroid

For the life of me, I can't figure out why all of these games can't be released on 3DS as well. But hey, more Mega Man is always great. I seem to recall wanting to smash my fist through the TV at the final boss in Mega Man 7, though.

That was exactly my first thought too. I thought it was like an homage to it but then it mentioned nothing about it. Strange.

Anyone have any opinion on whether Child of Light is superior on PC, Wii U, or PS3 (my current systems)? Or do they all look/play fairly similarly?

Wow, I forgot about this. And yes they did! And they have my money because of it, too!