I read fifteen somewhere... but mine normally take longer because I play on the hardest difficulty and explore every nook and cranny.
I read fifteen somewhere... but mine normally take longer because I play on the hardest difficulty and explore every nook and cranny.
Lolwut? You think this is a PC game? The game is $60!
Same with Requiem for a Dream, in many ways Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, etc.
Indeed. Apparently we all have SDTVs too. Who'd of thunk?
I knocked out everyone there and got the achievement. It took me like eight tries to get them all knocked and pulled away from the mech before it exploded. I triple checked every single body to make sure none were dead haha. I was paranoid about that.
Actually, that is incorrect. I had that happen to me many times and still got my achievement. I was pissed when I saw it though... I thought so many hours of hard work were going to be wasted... which is strange because achievements are not really worth anything... Regardless, I stuck to it and the achievement popped…
Well if he watches the youtube videos in a low rez mode...
Quite simple. Yes, you pair RAM. Lets' do some math here.
I like the part where you said that twenty minutes of gameplay footage and commentary is half the game.
Unfortunately I love in San Jose, capitol of all that is Apple. Not so many Microsoft stores over here as one would hope.
I agree. I loved that you could do that in Borderlands; it was one of the first things I noticed. Also, in Borderlands, jumping while sprinting didn't slow you down, and when you would land you would still be sprinting. Nice touches, I say.
He doesn't have a point. He hasn't even played the original game. He sounds like one of those fools who things all games in the same genre play the same.
Why do I feel the need to reply to you about your need to question another user's need to make a jab at another user who feels the need to vaguely express his discontent with a game that looks nothing if not interesting. Why does the OP feel the need to tell us that he is STILL not interested without listing…
I was just watching Cool Runnings last night!
I didn't expect much, and I absolutely loved it more and more as I conquered each level and achieved 100% vegetation. Then I beat it. I tried going through it again to see if it had the same WOW factor it did on the first play through. No dice. I tried the challenge maps for a bit and had some fun. I haven't played it…
I think he gets the joke, and I think he expects other people to, too. If you don't find it funny, well that is personal opinion, but my friends and I still will say it once every six months or so. It is of the caliber of Chad Warden's, "its got no games, son!" or "Tears of War" line. We say it when we play our 360s,…
The only major problems I've had in Oblivion was the Umbra Daedric quest line issue, and one time after hours of exploration, I entered an inn... Entering places automatically autosaves, so I thought that wasn't going to be an issue... But then I was jumping around and ended up getting wedged between the rafters. I…
I thought there are some potential gems coming out in Q1... Far Cry 3, Kingdoms of Amalur, The Darkness 2, The Witcher 2, X-COM, Counter Strike Global Offensive, Mass Effect 3, ect. PLENTY
This is one of those times you just have to sit back and say, "Lawl, he MAD!" Just like that, phonetically. Jordyce may very well be the worst fanboy I have ever seen. I don't even think that he likes the PS3 that much; he just hates everything else even more.
Pretty much instantly is not the same as an annoying loading each and every time you try it... Even when syncing with the same friend as before... This is a common issue and my 22.2 Mbs internet connection is not the problem.... On top of that, why even have to sync? There isn't any hassle at all with achievements and…