
I don't know what you mean by "easily accessible platform." Are you saying that just because nearly everyone has a PC it can play current gen games? That would be very naive and foolish. I have a gaming computer and I have put loads of time and money into it to have it where it is today. It is nowhere near as

The newest Splinter Cell game came out for 360 only (console wise). All the old ones came out to Sony systems before, which is why I mentioned its absence from Sony shelves.

Yup, console exclusive, bro. When did PC become part of this conversation?

Mediocre? How? The art design is superb, it has one of the most inspiring and moving orchestral scores, it has some of the best AI ever seen in FPS games, it has great level design, polished multiplayer, great tech (forge and theater) on the side, and vehicles with great control. There is no way that Halo is even

Lol. Is that what they did? I was not aware. That might explain a lot of the issues I have with their interface.

Eh, I'd take Gears of War, Splinter Cell (hopefully they go back to their roots though), Halo, and XBL over Uncharted, God of War, or the mediocre FPS exclusives. I do love me some LBP2 though. It was pretty much why I bought a PS3... well, in truth, the first one was the reason I bought it. The second one is the

Such a super computer that it can't even load trophies within a minute when comparing with friends!

Thanks for the information, I didn't know that. I haven't checked it out yet.

Crimson Alliance is free on XBL marketplace. I'm not sure if it is supposed to be or not, but it is nonetheless. You can download it from the dashboard, it is advertised on the Game Marketplace tabs.

Side quests are part of the game though. By your logic, games where enemies take a long time to kill shouldn't count towards the time, games where you have to grind to level up before going certain places shouldn't count, games where you are stuck in long cut scenes or character bubble dialogue shouldn't count.

"If you feel you have been exploded to radioactive or other hazardous"

It is up there, but I am not sure if it is number one. Production value is very difficult to compartmentalize. Uncharted does look and play beautifully though.

It is derivative, and doesn't do much, if anything that hasn't been done by other games. It was polished though, I will give you that.

It isn't bad, but methinks you haven't played very many multiplayer games. Are you limited to PS3 or do you have an Xbox 360 or PC?

I agree with you about them being good games. I would put Gears of War above those other two just because multiplayer is so much fun and has become the focus of the series.

Here is hoping for a UNIVERSAL server for people's user-created maps. Having to have a person on your friend's list to DL the maps was just really dumb and archaic.

I lol'd. Well done, sir.

Yeah, I am getting it for 360 (my preferred method of gaming), and I am quite sure that vanilla Skyrim will hold me over for a long time. Eventually, I will pick up a copy for my PC so I can dabble in the community content. Regardless of when the DLC releases there will be plenty of other games to play during the

Choot et! Choot et! Nao dats a gud shaut, right der.

I'm fairly certain that the Halo CE pistol only had twelve bullets per clip (which meant that if you get all headshots on fully shielded enemies you could kill four people before reloading). But you could get a lot of ammo for it. So, finding ammo was never an issue. Also, backpack reloading was amazing.