
You are implying that the DLC is coming out on launch day for 360 and then, thirty days later, on PS3. That is not the case and not what the article says. The first DLC may come months and months (maybe even a year) after the launch of Skyrim, thus a player may have completed every quest by then.

Eh, pretty sure most of the stuff was balanced by Bungie. I never ever picked armor lock, but I had no problem killing people who did use it. It's called adapting and not sucking. Players should do it more often instead of spending all their time whining about something that has a very specific purpose.

No, they aren't falling. It seems like some NPCs are just programmed to "die". I've checked to see if it was due to headshots with the tranq, them falling to hard on the ground, ect. Nothing seems to be the cause but bad programming. Oh well, I'm hoping I still get the achievement! And yeah, I ran sneaked past the

Eh, the load times aren't that bad. The levels/hubs are pretty damn big and if you are complaining about the loading you must be dying often... which is a fault of the player, not of the game.

It seems as if we do, but this article doesn't detail it.

Oh hahahaha! That's what that noise was? I couldn't remember if that noise was skype, steam chat or facebook chat! I paused the movie and searched through all my tabs and programs to see what it was. I was so confused!

There are also hub worlds that allow players to complete side quests and explore. They should be fairly large.

Ahahaha! Nice! I'm hoping Skyrim has a lot of unique items to find, steal, purchase, or be rewarded.

Yeah it's not too shabby. I wouldn't try to run it on my laptop haha (my laptop is garbage — but serves its purpose for school.)

Hmm. I had no problems running it.

Also, I forgot to mention that it is actually spelled "Khajiit". There are two i's.

Oh, I'm sure it's not! But that doesn't mean I can't make something similar in terms of play style.

As always I will make my characters:

Yes, but where are the nipples?

There were already plenty of midgets in the first one. Some were even kamikaze ones.

I am thinking that maybe he has his pistol skill up pretty high and his sniper skill pretty low. Which would make the difference between them that much more drastic. This still doesn't explain how he had magical pistol scopes, though.

And smiling. He is always smiling.

Bungie's IT men are trained for such tactics? Perhaps their posts about trying to take over the world aren't as far-fetched as I once thought. Imagine what Frankie is capable of.

Just the tops. Both males and females could go shirtless.

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Halo 1, Gears of War 1, Oblivion, Far Cry, Alan Wake, Batman Arkham Asylum, Hitman —- to name a few. More if I went with XBLA games.