
O yes. The new Deus Ex game comes out way before anything else I am interested in, so that will be completed. But Skyrim will destroy every spare moment of my life. Besides that, Dark Souls, Batman, and Rage will eat my SP time, whilst Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3, Saints Row 3, Cod MW3, and Halo Anniversary will

Completely understandable. And I, too, revisit games and tinker around with them but never really go through the whole thing start to finish again. With the upcoming onslaught of games releasing soon, it will be a wonder if I can get fully through most of them.

Really? That little? Off the top of my head I can think of many.

Nah, sort of a waste of time if he has a set time limit for what he has to show. Plus, if he caved in to that sort of ridiculous demand, the requests would only get more obscure and the disappointment the audience would receive from every declination would only increase their rowdiness. I am sure he has an agenda that

Ehh. I hated Morrowind's inventory system. It was so slow and, well, boring. Also, what video did you watch? Todd did A LOT of what the audience asked for. Of course he isn't going to do the dumb shit like tea-bag a corpse, jump off cliffs (multiple times this was demanded), kill the horse when he is showing off the

Hmm. I feel liberated playing Saints Row and restricted playing GTAIV.

Fruit Ninja is going to be the only SoA game I will not buy this year. I've already paid off:

There is an unabridged addition. It is called "The Princess Bride". There is not an abridged edition, he only PRETENDS that what he is doing is cutting out miscellaneous parts that weren't "good". Since Goldman wrote the goddamn book JUST AS IT IS, it is a FULL book. Just because he uses the faux-Morgenstern edition

I fear that most people don't "get" The Princess Bride. There is not an abridged version of the story. The author, Goldman, wrote the book. In the book/preface he PRETENDS that there is another story called "The Princess Bride" written by Morgenstern or something. He PRETENDS that his (Gloldman's) grandfather read him


Anybody else get the Battlefield 3 Alpha invite in the mail?

What is? I could see it being ironic if Luke made a typo in a previous submission of this story and then later edited it without telling us what he fixed.

I wouldn't say that this is all brand new footage. Lots of the clips were shown before in the longer gameplay videos that came out around E3.

Whoah this title sorta freaked me out. My user name has ALWAYS been "Amish Kamikaze", "AmishKamikaze", or "Amish_Kamikaze", and my name IS Brett. However, I do have my head. Anyways, glad he spells Brett with two T's. That second one is important, and us Bretts will never tell anyone which, exactly, T is the silent

One of the best newer game modes for FPS. If they include the game mode, and add modifiers for everything (like Halo games do), GOOD GOD!

The title is fine, it's Luke's description that Marcem is referring to.

Looks good. I'm digging the whole XP per kill mechanic, as well as the context sensitive situations (like the option air-drop kill). Also, BLUE WATER. I absolutely hated the murky, can-only-see-three-feet-in-front-of-you water from FC 2. The frame rate also looks like it is very smooth and consistent.

The game is a year away, so I think the animations will be polished by then. And I agree, I hope they add a lot of that (seemingly) optional dialogue triggered by a player's delay, focus of view, and actions. It looks so amazing! The city seems so big, and I hope that you really can explore every nook and cranny — and

Seems like it. I mean what purpose was the DOORWAY tear option?

My father after a single beer?