
Not at the same time though. That would be the equivalent of me having a Forge room open in Halo Reach, and people from my friends list can stop by from time to time and mess with stuff before leaving.

There is a difference between Games for Windows and Games for Windows LIVE.

Shouldn't there be a comma after "remastered or not"?

I do not see a single resemblance besides them both having a human face and humorous accent.

Yeah, no kidding. I knew one guy who had a total time played of over year, and this was just a little over three years after he started playing. That means he was playing, on average, just under eight hours a day, every day. Simply ridiculous.

For both company name and logo (and, perhaps, thirdly: quality of their games) I am particularly fond of Starbreeze Studios.

I agree. Two Worlds 1 was a surprisingly fun game if you could struggle past the initial learning curve and look past the minor problems.

@mw_swedeking1: Yeah, it's kind of weird. I think it would be cool if they did both. Like they have a normal killstreak thing, but they also have a dogtag kill streak as well. Or make it so a teammate can pick up the dog tags off the bloke you just killed.

Crecente, the demo actually has two maps, Skyline and Pier 17.

But will they fix my corrupted save?

@Blyr: I think he knows how Demon's Souls plays... Thus why he asked if The Witcher 2 is like Demon's Souls... and thus why he condemned Mass Effect 2 for not being difficult enough on the hardest setting.

@Grimwood: If you die, it's normally because you suck. Dying has been a fundamental part of video games since pretty much forever.

@bluebogle: Me either, but you can hook up your PS3 to your monitor; like I did.

@Sidious Strange: Conviction might have been the easiest Splinter Cell of them all. And it didn't have Spies Vs. Mercs.

Kind of strange that you guys would post the Steam deals when they would expire in an hour and be replaced with a new batch.