
@Eulatos: The Shining, Hearts In Atlantis, Stand By Me, The Green Mile, and The Shawshank Redemption all disagree with you.

@MakeThemListen: Have you even listened to Ascendancy and Fury of Our Maker's Hands?

@MakeThemListen: DevilDriver is good and so is Trivium. Not sure how Disturbed fits in with the others. Is this one of those guess which item doesn't belong games?

@DocSeuss: Agreed. the only thing that is missing is a long(er) vehicle finale for the last mission.

@GtheMVP99: And Halo 2 had better stats and leaderboards than COD4. And a better party system too.

@N-Robes: Oh lawd. Why do I feel embarrassed for laughing?

"(Incidentally, last fall his office and home were searched by police for a series of nude photos he took that were deemed incident."

@Colm Murphy: Really? Cause the term is used throughout the books.

@meteora3255: Oh my God. Hit the Share button a few more times while we are at it!

Two Worlds 2, Fallout New Vegas, Dead Rising 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Call of Duty BlackOps, Fable 3, Arcania, and other as well.

Things that have pissed me off recently:

@psycoking: Gears is not in space lol.

@ARYXANDRE: The fact that there is a voice actor should be enough to know it isn't a LEGO game.

@Chicken Pawks: There are plenty of "Get to the End" maps that are puzzle themed.

@Mister Jack: lol I earn wayyyyyy more than 50 cr par match. Maybe you aren't doing much?

@Madness87: Oh definitely. By those numbers it seems it will be longer than the other Halos.

@rolsenrob: Yeah, I started on veteran, but I think it took me more likely around 6 hours. I wasn't looking at a clock or timing myself.