@Eulatos: The Shining, Hearts In Atlantis, Stand By Me, The Green Mile, and The Shawshank Redemption all disagree with you.
@Eulatos: The Shining, Hearts In Atlantis, Stand By Me, The Green Mile, and The Shawshank Redemption all disagree with you.
@MakeThemListen: Have you even listened to Ascendancy and Fury of Our Maker's Hands?
@MakeThemListen: DevilDriver is good and so is Trivium. Not sure how Disturbed fits in with the others. Is this one of those guess which item doesn't belong games?
@DocSeuss: Agreed. the only thing that is missing is a long(er) vehicle finale for the last mission.
@GtheMVP99: And Halo 2 had better stats and leaderboards than COD4. And a better party system too.
@N-Robes: Oh lawd. Why do I feel embarrassed for laughing?
"(Incidentally, last fall his office and home were searched by police for a series of nude photos he took that were deemed incident."
@Colm Murphy: Really? Cause the term is used throughout the books.
@meteora3255: Oh my God. Hit the Share button a few more times while we are at it!
@PunkyChipsAhoy: Hold on, I'm staying for more.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: Bastard.
Two Worlds 2, Fallout New Vegas, Dead Rising 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Call of Duty BlackOps, Fable 3, Arcania, and other as well.
Things that have pissed me off recently:
@psycoking: Gears is not in space lol.
@ARYXANDRE: The fact that there is a voice actor should be enough to know it isn't a LEGO game.
@Chicken Pawks: There are plenty of "Get to the End" maps that are puzzle themed.
@Mister Jack: lol I earn wayyyyyy more than 50 cr par match. Maybe you aren't doing much?
@Madness87: Oh definitely. By those numbers it seems it will be longer than the other Halos.
@rolsenrob: Yeah, I started on veteran, but I think it took me more likely around 6 hours. I wasn't looking at a clock or timing myself.