
According to's stats for Crecente:

@darkboy1200: Halo 2 was definitely the worst. I did enjoy the arbiter side of the story, but the levels didn't make me drop my jaw like I did in Halo: CE, 3, and ODST.

@Deunan: Yeah, I'm not the kind of guy to get my hopes up like that. The PS3 isn't even my main gaming console.

@Deunan: Do you not wish for a sequel?

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@random_droid: My Asian friend once yelled (after driving over a curb in a parking garage), "Asian driver, no survivor!".

@-MasterDex-: That could actually be a good argument too. I've known kids like that.

@dracosummoner: Me too. I've only watched one or two of the gameplay video previews so far. I want the new scenery, sweeping vistas, enemy locations and orchestra score to be experienced for the first time with a controller in my hands.

@dracosummoner: Or we'll know six minutes before your post!

@RockyRan: I wouldn't say they were the best parts of the game. The giant outdoor areas with the great landscape and the whole "which building do I jump to next" aspect was what I enjoyed most.

@Helis: And console owners can't? That wasn't a very good point to make in comparison.

@DocSeuss: It's not THAT good. Everyone who says it is is blind. It was easily one of the best games of the year, but it's far from being one of the greatest shooters of all time.


@Archaotic: "while I was working at Gamestop". That might be your problem right there.

@Bubbleman!: Which is what my picture is the album art for.