@virion: Who are you "preying" on?
@virion: Who are you "preying" on?
"This isn't the first time that Resident Evil 6."
@Dan2593: Crackdown is more fun when you play with the toys they give you in ridiculous (and often unintended) ways. It's not the greatest to just play it like you play other games.
@Salari: I didn't get the Dragon Age expansion because it was overpriced and came out way to soon after the retail game.
@Salari: I've looked forward to and enjoyed DLC for plenty of games I've played.
@warpwhistle: Except Broken Steel was the true ending for Fallout 3. Definitley filled in the plot point that should have been there from the beginning. The end to Vanilla FO3 was so bland. And the fact that you couldn't continue? So lame.
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Not to mention it comes out after the halfway point of October. It's over 50 days to go. Don't hold your breath.
@evilmajikman: No. Most people play more than 5 online games a year. This wouldn't work.
@Michael Dukakis: Valve time would be worse.
@greyfoxhound18: I wasn't talking about pirating, modding a console, or anything of that sort.
@Good news, everyone!: You thought Saints Row 2 was boring? Interesting.
@Good news, everyone!: Batman Arkaham Asylum, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Psychonauts, Saints Row 2, Dead Rising.
@Sl0th: I agree with you in many ways, but I often buy products out of potential.
@Kellen Dunkelberger: Yeah, and a bike with magical driving limitations is more realistic... Talking about extreme.
The other one had more characters that I like, so the other one wins.
@ScriptedError: People still pay $60 for a 6 hour game.
@Fernando Jorge: It's in the picture. I didn't notice it at first either.
@DasMonsterOhneNamen: Plus the cheap price.
@raresquare: This is why I don't exercise. Got to keep the mind in top shape!
@ZMaster: It was Fringe.