What does it matter?
What does it matter?
When steam “allocates disc space”, it’s actually writing a large blank file, that it will later replace with the downloaded data.
Granted she had no license, but clearly the rail road signal was broken, as the arms came up, allowed like half a car to pass, then started closing on the cars again.
I normally side with the car owners with those towns that come down on them for having 2 or 3 project vehicles on their property.
I highly recommend the Kodak Portra series of film. It’s a little pricey, but the colors it gives are so nice, and the speeds up to 800 give you a bit more flexibility. Ektar is nice too, but you really need the right subjects to make use of its vibrant colors. I also had good luck with Fuji Superia 200, it has a nice…
Very Cool! It amazes me how fast people can whip these things up.
They probably store the date as a 10 bit number starting from a certain epoch. Looks to be Jan 1st 1998 in this case. Once it hit 1024, the date rolled over back to 0
It’s so sad to see the first real PC game I ever played back in ‘05 end as a blog post.
While Chrysler is blaming the supplier, I bet it’s a bit of both considering were talking 4 months worth of hose. I find it hard to believe the manufacturer churned out completely crappy hose for 4months straight. The supplier likely slipped a bit meeting the specifications on the hose, but Chrysler probably spec’d a…
Pumping the exhausr into the “exhaust” side of the supercharger would definitely allow them to scavenge power for the compression side. It would likely need to be geared mechanically, but the power scavenging would reduce its impact on efficiency.
It was a little electric atv tire pump
It was a small tear on the inside of the wheel, you couldn’t see it unless you pushed on the tire
The hackiest, and most low buck repair I’ve ever done was on a friend’s ‘96 Camry that he paid a whole $150 for. None of the power windows worked, and that wasn’t okay in the middle of the summer. All of the passenger windows didn’t work because of frayed & broken wires, but the driver’s side window didn’t work…
Okay that’s great. I said “Maybe for an Accord” in my post. Every other vehicle I’ve ever seen uses the float to the trigger the light.
Maybe for an Accord. I’ve never seen a car that has a seperate sensor for the light. Every vehicle I’ve seen just used a bit of circuitry to turn the light on when fuel level is low.
The Valve Superfans hate this game. The only ones that like it are the Dota fans. Even then, a lot of them have zero desire for it either.
Besides the suspension, we can talk about how terrible this truck sounds? It basically sounds like an old Chevy 3.8.
Who cares about the suspension, look at all the work the body mounts are putting in!
Can anyone tell me what happened to LMP1? I’m guessing they made some inane rule changes that sent costs skyrocketing?
It’s the constant loading and unloading of the differential that breaks stuff. It’s why you can break stuff drag racing a stock car just by getting a bad launch with a lot of wheel hop.