
Are you joking?

Mine was always Shoop. Girls what's my weakness? Men! OK then.

Jesus. So, if you aren't black, and you like a hip-hop song, and know all the words you are appropriating black culture? Come on. In high school I only listened to hip-hop and rap. It was just what I liked. I know all the words to a lot of very inappropriate rap songs, but I am not pretending to be black or

Gangsta Paradise by Coolio is a close second, but number 1 for younger white ladies.

I think you're reading too much into this one. She happens to know all of the words to a song she grew up with and can perform them on command? I don't think that's appropriating black culture; I think that's just remembering your childhood. It's like knowing all the words to the Fresh Prince theme song.

Don't be a jerk. You know what she meant.

somebody didn't read the article.

I definately would advise against putting a slipping bag in the walking closet. Nothing good can come of that.

The phrasing is fine; the fact that she's in this limbo is the point - she has neither the safety and security that would come with being well known nor the safe anonymity that comes with not being known at all.

And you know, since their reaction was not anger, and not, "OH GOD. No, but thank you for looking into this!" that there's something yucky going on there.

Totally agree. Just because I probably don't like/agree with what they usually do doesn't mean they're not doing the right thing in this case. If "right-to-life" groups only got involved in cases where women were forced to get abortions, I don't think anyone would have a problem with them, but then we'd be living in

Is that Feminists For Life? Because as far as I'm concerned they're a pretty stand-up bunch. They don't really campaign against pro-choice legislative choices but champion social programming for women, especially single mothers. Because even us pro-choicers have to admit that a lot of women get abortions because of a

No, no, no. He is way too good for that. It's just so awful and I'll never be able to look at him the same again.

Heh. I actually wrote erotica for a while after I got so damned disgusted with romantic novel bullshit. I've got a 3/4 finished werewolf novel ——REAL werewolves——where the heroine narrates sarcastically and unabashedly loves cooking, snark, and drooling over the hero——who is a librarian.

I guess he got finally got round to reading it. Now we just have to stage some kind of intervention for Lizzie Bennet and we're away.

Yup, he blamed the "throat cancer" on HPV he contracted during cunnilingus. In no way has he ever mentioned who it was that had the HPV in the first place.

Oh, I am 100% ugh-ing the transcription, not Miley.

you should trademark "i'm going to be [sic]" — and its usage. that's some next level shiz right there.


Wait — does this mean there are people who DON'T like Toby Ziegler? Does not compute.