
Unless you've had second-breakfast, in which case it's fifthmeal. I question your dedication.

Oops. It is indeed four.

Regardless of what one thinks of either gun control laws or the TSA, if a person is capable of forgetting that they are carrying a handgun at any time, then surely that person should not be carrying a handgun, period.

What frlcklneh said. She had a loaded and deadly weapon in her bag. That she was so cavalier about it that she simply "forgot" that it was there suggests a shockingly lax attitude toward gun safety.

EDIT: This is what bothers me about the "responsible gun owner" talk. Everyone thinks they are a responsible gun

If you can't keep track of the firearms on your person, maybe you shouldn't have them. Just saying.

Soo, am.I supposed to be against Lena's mirror anecdote? Cause I'm not. I do think it's unfortunate how society changes how we feel in our own skin over time. I used to be a mirror worshiper as a little kid too, and I was not conventially attractive. Like, at all. But so what? I wish I had some of that confidence back

So, why are people shitting on Lena Dunham today? Because she has a positive body image? WTF. You can't win.

Color me shocked!

(as long as shocked isn't a dark color, because yuck!)

I looove the bendy pretzel bobcat part.

Totally understandable and I really wish you wouldn't have acknowledged it because I just liked to pretend I was the only one that noticed. So thanks.

I do not understand the lack of love for Two Weeks Notice because the Hugh/Sandy combo made my WORLD, but ok, if you will take The Lake House for the team this all works out just fine.

The true reason for the Eastwood divorce: he was cheating on her. Photos have been obtained of the homewrecking hussy.

The kid (who btubs is Mae Whitman who is one of the unsung heroes of child acting. have you SEEN when a man loves a woman?!) was being interviewed about the scene and how she made herself cry like that. And she said "well I just thought about those guys who went down playing the instruments on the titanic and got so

I own a Hope Floats snowglobe. Did I find it on the street? Yes. Did I scream "SAY WHAAAAAT????" and immediately declare that Sunday "The Best Sunday?" Yup and yes. Have I tried to channel her character from The Proposal when I had to be a hard ass in class? Habitually. Am I trying to forget that All About Steve ever

I adore Sandra Bullock. I will watch While You Were Sleeping, Hope Floats (!!), Two Weeks Notice, Speed, The Proposal, Miss Congeniality, A Time To Kill, or Demolition Man ANY DAY and twice on Sunday. Except The Lake House. That one sucked. Sandy is my favorite. She seems like she'd be great to grab a beer with. I

I love Sandy B since Miss Congeniality. Probably the only movie I've seen as many times as Beetlejuice. (Don't judge me.)

She is a bendy pretzel bobcat

Then you'll love the story of the Moral Majority of Hawaii. Here's the only version I've found online (I read it in a magazine before all their stuff got posted online) but a summary:

Also, I don't know who this Robin Thicke character thinks he is but Beetlejuice will be sooo pissed when he finds out his suit was stolen.

No literature, but look at the actual numbers in those studies. Breastfeeding always comes out on top, but it's like .5 of an IQ point higher or something.