
Frankly, neither the nudity nor the breastfeeding bother me. It's the insufferable pretension.

Shouldn't you be out painting a mural on your van, Shaggy? Beat it.

I'm not sure you know how these Gawker sites work.

Ohhhh the leftist journalist bit is such a tempting challenge...

I guess the real question is, who'll run the town when Cobb becomes the 2016 GOP presidential nominee?

I'd love to read that post.

And it's the actual meaning of "using the lord's name in vain" Just saying.

They did not call this site "Love Thy Neighbor", and therefore I have no use for it.

I think I kind of get this. Like when you hook up with someone and you later find out they are racist or vote Republican and then you are disgusted in yourself and can never bring yourself to fuck them again. I'm sure Christian swingers have the same experience when finding out the hung leather daddy that they invited

I get irrationally offended on behalf of Christians (I'm not, although I grew up very devout) when I see that sort of thing... It seems to be prostituting the religion somehow.

The only reason that you can say that with any kind of straight face indicates how extraordinarily privileged you are and the fact that high school history classes need to stop teaching the entirety of American history between the Korean War and the present on the last day of school.

It became a statewide supreme court ruling because the photography studio appealed a lower court ruling. Here's the sequence of events. They get discriminated against. They file a discrimination complaint with the New Mexico Human Rights Commission. The Human Rights Commission upholds the complaint and finds that the

And yet it is the basis of what America stands for. There was a time when it was your religious duty to turn away Catholics, Jews, and Negros. Then we figured out thas raycess.

I agree with you on a personal level and wouldn't hire someone with those beliefs if I was having a gay wedding (well, I wouldn't patronize their business regardless because I try to avoid giving money to bigots, but you know what I mean), but on a societal level it's important. Denying access to commercial services

I get where you're coming from, but the negative publicity from this court case is probably damaging that business way more than one person's quiet refusal to book them without complaint.

Ummmmmmmmm that's totally different because Christians are a persecuted minority. That's what I read in youtube comments on a Justin Bieber video, at least.

This was my first thought. That instead of suing I think I would plaster the world with bad feedback. Still, it's good this point was made in court.

Ask her what she would think if a photographer refused to do Christian weddings.

Flame away, but I would so much rather have someone refuse to serve me outright than have some bigot begrudgingly memorialize one of the happiest days of my life. Let them stay home with their hateful juju.