Levar Burton is fine right? Please guys don't take him from me.
Levar Burton is fine right? Please guys don't take him from me.
maybe yes, maybe no... but standing up and calling out rape culture is something i would never condemn.
I like the fan-made version of Renée Zellweger.
I just don't get it. It's like they don't understand humor, or costumes. How do you grow up and not understand that some dude beating up his wife is not a good Halloween costume? Because it was in the news, you should costume it? You wouldn't dress up in a "violent husband" costume, so why would you do this? It's not…
Nothing can cheer him up. He's Batman.
"Go ahead and pout. I'm still gonna keep making fun of you for Daredevil."
Hells yah, a Scarface reference, most underrated rapper ever (even houston doesn't show him nearly enough love).
Something I find interesting about the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies is that, despite the relatively light-hearted tone, all the heroes have no problem killing anyone who gets in their way. I remember first being surprised by this in the Avengers, when Cap riddled attackers on the Helicarrier with a machine gun,…
Old school Wolverine.
The producers have joked that they're on a mission to hire every single actor from The Wire.
I still don't know what parts of his face are mask and which aren't.
I have now come to the belief that The Wire and The Walking Dead are in the same universe.
Why exactly did Bruce Wayne live with a young boy?
Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.
I feel like Avenger Oprah now: "And a rake for YOU! And a rake for YOU! And a rake for YOOOOU! RAAAAAAAAKES FOOOOOOOOR EVERYOOOOOOOOONE!!!"
See, what we're really missing here is the vaccine truther (IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK, GIVE ME A SECOND!).
I'm a Truther Truther. Truth is, the government sucks at doing things. The government can't pave a fucking road, much less do a drone strike without incinerating a wedding party in Yemen. What makes you think they can perpetrate massive, decades-long conspiracies? Having worked in government, including at levels where…
Not if his half-blood son has anything to say about it...