I don’t know that white people can’t necessarily tell the stories of people of color, just as I know talented men can tell women’s stories and get it right.
Oh for chrissakes.
It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.
The same Deep South that is always preaching that you should beat the shit out of your kids?
Rap is enormously popular. Saying most people don’t like rap is your own opinion with a somewhat sad attempt to make it seem pervasive, not a fact.
One of my favorite phrases: “I like everything but country/country and rap/rap.” What is this? Middle School?
Wrong. He had a pretty good run as a rapper (multiple gold/platinum records) and did some decent acting. If you are into hip hop and over the age of 25, you know who he is. This is the type of comment made by someone who says, “Phife Dawg, who is he?”
Fuck the south. Between this, NC being total dicks to the transgender community, the dipshit GA senator (FEMALE) who is trying to get rid of rape kits as evidence.....I’m so embarrassed to be from down here y’all.
msnbc does not deserve mhp
I haven’t seen this much siding with Cousins since the Hatfield/McCoy feud.
Here’s a longer, more subtle conversation between Sanders and Cornell West, Nina Turner and Killer Mike about systemic racism in the black community, for anyone interested in Sanders’ thoughts on the issue;
What. Racism is not “complex”. That’s just what smart white people tell you, bruh.
...and here come the comments which both completely prove the point of the article and justify its existence!
For all the hate, vitriol, subtle and overt racism that was aimed at this man over the last eight years, did he not handle it with uncommon grace and dignity? I never asked President Obama to be a perfect President, such a thing is an impossibility. But he played the long game, never panicked, never showed fluster,…
I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!
EXT. Metropolis DAY
We were handed an election in 2008, after the disastrous Bush years, and we did the right thing: Obama helped pull this country back from the neoconservative menace.
First, they’re a blog, not a news outlet. Second, they talk all the time about nearly every endorsement made by a celeb...for God’s sake, they had a huge article yesterday about that z-lister Donnie Wahlberg endorsing Rubiobot. And they recently had one about Lena Dunham endorsing Hillary. There’s no controversy here.
OK, but if I vote for him if he has to promise to throw a trashcan through the window of a local pizzeria where lobbyists congregate.