
This so much, while I really liked the game, looking back on the trailers that showed gameplay, the gameplay seemed alot better with more interesting tonics and cooler set pieces, alas, I guess that it was running on a high end PC so I doubt the first gameplay would have worked on ps3 or xbox or most pcs for that

It's like two bad games in one!

You know it. This comparison is ridiculous. The differences aren't even that different. So far Next Gen looks like current gen with sharper graphics. Then you see some people responding with awe, as if it's night and day lol!

Not to be "that guy" But anyone who lays off most of his team who made a great game so he can make some pet project seems kind of a dick. Also, do note that this is a OPINION, and I'm not being a troll looking for attention.

Being proud of things like this is why we have Honey Boo Boo on TV...

EA's response, sand.

"You made a game we really liked. We would've liked it a little better if it didn't have these problems."

Several comments about the WiiU already, for some reason.
They won't bring the game to the 360 and PS3 because the power of the consoles doesn't allow all the features they want. The WiiU is much more comparable to those two than it is to the PS4 and XB1, so, logically, they can't bring this to the WiiU either.


Hey, remember when EA released a year-old, technically inferior port of the third installment of a trilogy that had never been released on a Nintendo platform before whose defining feature was carrying your choices over from earlier games with no promise of actual future support or DLC at the exact same time they

I'm kind of worried about the game. It really looked like something new and innovative when they first showed it but all these delays and development problems make me worry it's just going to be an average game.

I never heard of the thing until I saw 12 articles about it on Kotaku in 3 days.

Death threats for a game that's free?

So much for game play footage

Two drums and a cymbal fall off stage...


Probably just putting her off for a Day.

don't we all?

why did i laugh at this. ugggh i'm turning into my dad!

Waka Waka