
This is something that should have been discussed internally during the development of the Wii U. The fact that it's being discussed during a "why we failed" meeting after the Wii U bust is embarrassing. They made zero attempt to navigate the changing landscape of gaming and it's arguable that they didn't even see it

Just release the a console that is more powerful than the One or PS4 that plays all third party games (your Battlefields and such) as well as the amazing first party games. It's what everyone has wanted for years JUST DO IT OH MY GOD.

Just wait until Watch Nintendogs comes out.

But Wii U is still getting Titanfall right?!

1. Playstation 3 games streaming.

At least the birds are getting informed.

I kid though. In seriousness, I'm not even at work and I agree. I don't have the patience for these kinds of videos. I could read through a bullet point list so much quicker.

Anyone have a text version? Videos are for the birds during work hours.

You get cookies for quoting Matthew McConaughey. Extra points for doing it now during the McConaughessance.

Is it just me, or are these kids not aging?

I'm glad there are still plenty of 12 year old kids playing CoD on Xbox One! Such a relief to know that nothing has changed.

I was just thinking that I needed to rescue another woman in fishnets! Thank goodness someone is thinking of the women.

Good to see they're being progressive with gender roles there. We've had way too many Dudes in distress lately, time to give the Damsels a fair shake at being distressed.

Then why are you even looking at the article? lol

Reminds me of OnLive.

Here's the problem as I see it. SteamBoxes are for a layperson who


that seems like a really limited market that isn't worth going after.

I was expecting these to be more affordable, even the ones PS4/X1 price seem pretty mid grade.

Lol, that looks like a router.