
Was it The Matrix game?

Cant wait to get mine! like march or..... whatever

I sure could go for one hundred tacos...

I think it is time. Let's drop Arkham and go with Gotham and open this sucker up for real. They know everyone wants to drive the batmobile and imagine some Just Cause 2 type grapple action...oh sweet Jesus that could be fun. I know doing an entire Gotham would take some of the focus off the taught narrative (my only

Dude, that means I have to get off of my couch.

Whoa whoa whoa, that seems way to hard man! Can you run me through the steps again with more detail please?

Pause game

If this nonsense is a proper look, I'd hate to see an improper look.

The hell is going on? windows flying everywhere. So confusing without seeing the controller and what hes actually trying to do.

I've always wanted to watch previews of other video games while im in the middle of playing a video game.


Meanwhile in Nintendo's board meeting room....

Or, you know... being a company that makes games, they could have made some games.

I wonder how history will view the Wii - was the it the console that made gaming accessible to all, in a similar way to how the Playstation (one) first made gaming cool to people over 20?

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a Flame War!

I hate my WiiU. Trying to sell it on craigslist to help pay for xbone.

Yet another reason not to buy any of this stuff at launch. Why spend hours downloading a day-one patch at the same time as hundreds of thousands of other people when you can wait until next year, when these systems have more games and there are more compelling reasons to actually buy them?

Let's hope Sony's day one servers are better than Nintendo's. Downloading Nintendo's 1GB Wii U patch was rough. Microsoft's Xbox One requires a day one update, too. Gaming in 2013!

Each time Conan does one of these, it's hilarious when he points out the absurdity of the premise.

His riff on Amnesia was inspired. We gamers tend to take videogame plots for granted, sometimes a non-gamer has a pretty clever take on things.