
Yep. There's really no need to buy a next-gen console until next year at the earliest, especially considering the potential launch hardware problems we could run into.

Why did you expose his REAL real name??

This guy would love this feature:

I'm just gonna make a Nostradamus prediction:
A fellow stole a PS4, but uses his real name to log in. Police tracked the PS4 and found out he is using his real name.
Nice going slick.

This article got it wrong. This was never supposed to compete with sony. MS had no interest in format wars because they correctly guessed that the next format would be irrelevant. 8 years on and DVD isn't going anywhere. But digital downloads and streaming sure as hell are taking up a bigger portion of video sales now

I feel bad for Wii U, like i want to share some of my lunch with it or something.

These are the games that YouTube walkthroughs were made for. I did the same with Heavy Rain, and I'm pretty sure I enjoyed watching someone else play through it a lot more (with interesting/comical commentary) than I would have had playing through myself.

feels like you were saving that one for a while.


I laughed at your SyFy reference. That's exactly the level of quality most games hit in regards to stories, and those are the games which have better stories. It's pretty bad really...

Quite a few people chat on TAY or they can make their own post and allow others to comment on TAYCLASSIC. If you want help in making a post follow this TAYTorial guide. :)

I usually go to gamefaqs, the message board there is pretty good and they try to keep the crazies out.

"Bro, did you play your One yet?"


So petty. So true.

Hell, I wouldn't mind doing this when I go to eat lunch with friends. It riles the shit out of me when out of a group of 5 people 3 are constantly looking at their phones with a 4th only checking every once in a while. Leaving me with my phone in my pocket sitting there not doing much of anything. The weird thing

I'm still trying to work out why anyone was hyped for this in the first place. It looks generic as hell. Cool cyber-tech implauso-trash with a cool dude main character. It's like a direct to cable cyber-tech thriller from 2002. Maybe it will be good, but I've not seen anything to suggest it will be.

RIP Tom Cuhlancey.

I like the cut of your jib friend.

Am I the only one who doesn't get any hype for this game...I mean..."seen thousand times" feeling?