
It's official, the next gen betas are here. Can't wait till next year when the Xbone and PS4 are really good to go.

Ask an Ouya owner. They know.


Unless you own stock in Crytech you might want to take it down a notch. It's really not worth getting that huffy about.

That's for the correction, re Lair. As for Resistance and Motorstorm, well Metacritic's score isn't going to change my mind. They weren't terrible games, but weren't anything to write home about.

Heh, to each his own.

What's going on with these launch games? Well...they're launch games. This is how things go at launch. Remember Full Auto? The 360 auto combat launch game? Probably not because it was totally forgettable. Same goes for Perfect Dark Zero, and Kameo.

What's going on with these launch games? Well...they're launch games. This is how things go at launch. Remember Full Auto? The 360 auto combat launch game? Probably not because it was totally forgettable. Same goes for Perfect Dark Zero, and Kameo.

What's going on with these launch games? Well...they're launch games. This is how things go at launch. Remember Full Auto? The 360 auto combat launch game? Probably not because it was totally forgettable. Same goes for Perfect Dark Zero, and Kameo.

Should I play this game? YES! says Kotaku. Sweet, but let met get a second opinion.

Should I play this game? YES! says Kotaku. Sweet, but let met get a second opinion.

Man! It looks like they fumbled the ball again!

Really enjoyed the reviews take on voice controls, especially the part about how talking to the Xbox (even when it works correctly) could get really freakin' annoying and old really quickly.

And a free one at that.

Well that's weird way to spell, "NO".

Mabry added, "it's just a real shame Sony didn't design their console in the shape of a giant letter "P". Letters are cool."


Word. Ice-Cube rocks.

Spoken like a true Wii U owner.

You purchased Knack even AFTER you read the reviews?