
Ha! Every next gen console performs this badly, especially at launch.

Rated M for "Mature".

That's how I felt at last gen's launch. "Great! The 360 and PS3 are here! We're going to get new game design and new game genres!" Eh not so much.

Ladies and Gentleman! We have a launch line up!


Better yet, what if God was one of us?

Best Cliffs Notes ever.

And this is why I don't get consoles at launch.

I think they've fixed the frame rate. The quick look at Giant Bomb looked solid.

That's not a hint of desperation. It's a hint of lime. I was just snacking on some Tostitos.

Two things:

CORRECTED: Look for ho hum Dead Rising 3 and Crimson Dragon reviews as soon as Monday and Ryse on Thursday.

That' bit at the end with the jeep jumping over the tank (or whatever it's called) would've been cooler if they actually let the player control it rather than it being a cut scene.

It might be in English but I still don't understand this game.

It's going to have Drake. The narrator is clearly the games antagonist.

Well that was stupid.

Are there going to be some surprises because these announcements don't sound very Earth shattering.


Quick question: Does it matter what color the post-it notes are?

Is this so Microsoft can jump the shark tank?