To the people who have something respectful to say about this video I want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.
To the people who have something respectful to say about this video I want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.
In the end we're going to find out the franchise was dead the whole time.
And on the third day xXxJesusRulz777xXx respawned.
So does that mean we'll see Nintendo release an even more powerful machine in say two years time?
I had no idea that dude handing out fliers on St. Mark's Place could conjure up fireballs! Good to know.
Apparently you're going to be able to use the tablet to rap your fingers on it while looking off into the distance wondering why you just bought COD for the Wii U.
Is he really putting out a game or is he merely laying the groundwork for a future Kotaku article about how the game is no longer coming out? Either way I'm fine with it.
Are we really at the point where we're dismissing games that don't even exist yet? Lord help us! Ha!
Heh, yep I know. I was poking fun at the haters.
It happens from time to time.
Probably something along the lines of "Great now the Xbone is going to be flooded with crappy games and it's going to make it harder to find the good games amongst all the dreck."
Completely understandable. Some things I didn't need answered, (i.e. the whispers), other things would've been nice, (Walt's specialness).
Ha! See I'm totally the opposite. I loved the ending to Lost. I completely understand all the complaints about it, and the entire last season for that matter, (which I will admit was the shows worst), but I loved those characters so much I was satisfied to see them all come together in the end. That was enough for me.
Huh, if you look real close you can see Fez 2 in there now.
My biggest gripe was the whole, "let's give up technology" thing. Ha! Yeah, great idea!
I won't lie, when I first saw it I was swept up in the moment and yes, teary eyed but the next day the more I thought about it the more I began to sour on it. Still like the series as a whole but ending.
And just to cover their asses Microsoft is going back in time and rewriting the series finale for Battlestar Galactica just on the off chance that people blame them for how bad that turned out too.
Kinect: I just don't care...and no I will not wave my hands in the air.
They also didn't have any plans to pull a 180 on the DRM and Always-On so you'll have to pardon me if I remain skeptical about this.
Too bad the folks at Microsoft couldn't have read this before the Xbone unveiling.