Well, it comes in off white.
Well, it comes in off white.
I've got a "Lone Ranger" like feeling that this game is going to bomb. Maybe I shouldn't say bomb, but I feel like I can hear a gigantic "meh" in the making coming from the games community.
I agree that Gears 2 was felt more next gen, but the lighting the first game looked a little better than what you saw on the original Xbox.
Yeah I thought the first Gears of War look fairly impressive but it wasn't until Bioschock came out and Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Call of Duty 4 were on the horizon that the 360 looked like it was hitting its stride.
"For now it just doesn't feel like a next-gen system to me."
Yeah I mostly remember people generally saying that it looked and sounded impressive but the gameplay was not as dialed in as it could've been. Seems like people have forgotten that.
I feel like Beyond Good and Evil, much like Mirror's Edge isn't as good as good as people remember it being. I'm kinda baffled as to why this game gets so much love when the first one was just okay.
Well to play devils advocate I've heard from people who saw a behind closed doors demo that the combat mechanics play out very much like the recent Batman games, so if that's to be believed it could still be good.
Well on the one hand I completely agree. I was excited to pick up a PS4 this holiday until I looked at the launch games and realized that none of them scream, "These games are worth paying $400 for!"
CORRECTION: Man Finds 1983 Homebrew Star Wars Game...and Meth, Is Awesome
Heh good point.
Is there really a need for somebody to explain that John Carter was a total joke?
Also the characters are obscured by helmets sorta like that Master Chief guy.
And this is why Microsoft doesn't have to worry too much about having the more expensive console. They know millions of people are looking for something to supplant Call of Duty and by all appearances Titanfall is that thing. And let's face it Sony doesn't have a counterweight.
The Xbox (Minus) One!
"Well I guess I'm not always on either"
Yeah, this probably wasn't his choice. It was probably more like, "oh shit I'm getting fired and a job! ANY JOB!"
Seriously! It's like leaving a successful company to go work for Pets.com.
This is truly bizarre. Isn't Zynga a sinking ship? It's almost hard for me to imagine Zynga being around in a year or two.
Totally agree that Bioshock is a more original story yet not one that's told as effectively as The Last of Us. I think the big reason for that is that most of Bioshock's story is told via audio logs which for me didn't connect nearly as well as the cut scenes and in-game banter in The Last of Us.