I hear ya. Both are great games and a great way to wind down the current console life cycle.
I hear ya. Both are great games and a great way to wind down the current console life cycle.
I haven't finished Last of Us yet but so far it's pulled way ahead of my other favorite of the year Bioshock Infinite.
Reminds me of Journey. That could be cool!
My mother told me to never play with strangers.
"Destiny is built for co-op. Most of it can be played in co-op."
Man, first the CEO of OUYA is "pissed" now this guy is "fucking furious". Maybe Patrice Desilets can call Yves Guillemot a "twat" so we can get a trifecta of quoted cursing. C'mon Patrice! Don't let me fucking down!
Man! Now how am I supposed to play iOS games?!?!?
Ha! Nice!
"Probably drugs". Best line of the video.
Somebody get this dog a Xbone!
They might've heard us complaining but what most probably brought this about was that apparently far more people preordered the PS4 than the Xbone. Money talks as they say.
Is that for real?
And with that Microsoft takes away a sizable chunk of Sony's advantage. Things just got even more interesting.
Of course I understand that. I'd just be happier if they took the money they spend on Killzone and spend it on making a better IP, that would possibly make even more money than Killzone does.
Oh Electric Penis you're giving me a bad vibe.
To paraphrase Justin McElroy from Polygon why oh why does Sony keep trying to make Killzone a thing? Just let it go.
If they want to show a more nuanced view of human nature I've got a great idea for them: Put a dog in it!
Despite Microsoft's poor messaging, dubious DRM/always-on policies, and expensive price tag I wouldn't be surprised if all of that it is overlooked by the millions of Xbox Live subscribers who associate playing online with the Xbox brand.
I love the idea of being able to start playing a game while it's still downloading in the background but I'm skeptical how well that's going to work.
Hold on a sec. Who are these people that love the Call of Duty Dog?