
I thought of that with a grimace and a shudder. Please, no. I’m already tired of him getting every freakin’ part. And I like him! But not for this. And honestly, not for a few other things he’s gotten...

Y’obvoiusly have nah Scottish blood in ye. It’s spelled “whisky.” ;-)

Seldom have I seen a better illustration of the “thumb of God” concept!

Heh. We have a chocky Lab, field type. I work from home, and he is my office manager — primarily when it comes to making sure I take breaks. ;-) He is a total velcro dog, always by my side. We still need an hour out in the world together every day and more on the weekends. He’s a good barn dog, luckily, and comes

That’s kinda’ hilarious. Also my favorite fictional character of all time — but I hate all the carbonite merch. Why would I want to be reminded about the absolute lowest point in my favorite character’s life all the time? May as well have a Boba Fettish... In fact, I have the life-sized cardboard stand-up featuring

Having originally thought “Oh, jeeze, a Buffy clone,” I didn’t give Supernatural a chance until it was in syndication, maybe somewhere around season 4. J&J made me a fan almost immediately. The music too. And Bobby and Rufus. The Buffy-ness is there, sure — especially as the years have gone on and serious/silly

Yup, I don’t ordinarily (well, ever) agree with Ray K, but... A big part of the problem these days is that we see a single incident in the news (that 1,000 years ago we’d know nothing about, not 100 years) and extrapolate it to something that’s happening all the time everywhere. Well, I say ‘we,’ but I mean some

Yeah, aquifers don’t last forever. They must be replenished at a rate that at least equals what’s being withdrawn. Sad that such an obvious concept eludes so many folks in decision-making positions.

I rather like how they’re doing it, but then I liked Dark Matter’s slow reveals as well. Just my thing. And showing poor Jesse trying to help a town that won’t be helped (especially with the flashbacks to his childhood and criminal time with Tulip) will make his decision to give it the hell up a little more

Glad to see this. He has always been Baratheon in my eyes. Which I thought would make him a nice potential husband for Dani. Ah well... There’s always kissin’ cousins, I guess...

Realizing that very thing is, I suspect, part of what sends many of us off in the other direction. I know it did for me. I will never forget my first trip to NYC. In a darkened corner of a train station, I saw a homeless man lying flat out in the shadows and thought to myself, “My god, he could be dead and no one

My first presidential vote was for George HW Bush. My second was for Bill Clinton, and every one since then has had a “D” on it. At 46, I’m here to tell you Churchill lived in a whole ‘nother world. I can totally relate to this narrative; experiences with (Southern) conservatives and religious types pushed me farther

As a writer myself, I approach someone else’s story with the kind of respect that I’d like to receive. That is, I want the story to reveal itself to me in the way that it was written. You can give me the back-of-the-book style teaser, but I want the text itself (or in a case of a movie/TV, what’s on the screen) to

Oh for the days when no one died tapping oil wells, which never spilled and caused environmental disasters or harmed any wildlife. :-\

I’m with you. A world of no.

Mygawd that is terrible.

“Read on, Hong Kong Cavaliers.”

I don’t know why people feel the need to take everything to an extreme. No one’s saying you must eat only local. We’re just saying it’s a good thing to do as much as you can.

My husband, who has read all the ancillary Silmarillion type stuff and is a major LotR nerd, tells me that the eagles didn’t fare so well the last time against Sauron and his boss, so they were too scared to help until they knew he was done for and the One Ring was gone.

“Many Bothans died to bring us these plans...”