I mean if we’re talking whole minutes you’d save 6. A fraction of a minute doesn’t factor into a count of whole minutes.
I mean if we’re talking whole minutes you’d save 6. A fraction of a minute doesn’t factor into a count of whole minutes.
Capitalism really does a number on some people.
Vijay Mallya looks like Guy Fieri’s Indian cousin
Shoulda ducked.
About as fast as an Atlanta Falcon blows an postseason lead.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
6 crying Al Gore’s
ahem that’s Boner Bolton, now.
I agree! Let’s just use words however we want and let everyone figure it out. Irregardless, we should literally beg the question, proscribe all mitochondria widdershins to the hackysack, & not get too flustrated. See? Perfectly cromulent.
You raise your child in any era the same way: by explaining to them the virtue of basic humanity, focusing on becoming learned, productive members of society as a whole, and by teaching them the deep complexities of the world and the country they live in.
So the lesson is to send in 1000 drones, make the enemy use all their missiles, then send in the bombers.
in mother russia, car mount you
in mother russia, car mount you
Don’t you think you were a little harsh on him?
Or at least to charge them.
Or at least to charge them.
Welcome to Trump’s America, where even the black guy who’s successful is White.
Bernie would’ve won.
Uber has always billed their service as a way for people to make extra cash. A side hustle. Weekend money. The fact that some people opt to try to turn that into a full-time job is nobody’s problem but their own.
No Galaxy Note 7 on this list? I thought that was a pretty hot item.
No Galaxy Note 7 on this list? I thought that was a pretty hot item.
Crossing the Donner pass one year I really hoped that my chains kept me on the road, my passenger was a chef
The only move one needs to memorize in Shaq Fu is how to turn that piece of shit off.