Lyle Petersminkle

Meh, a couple hundred dollar generator can do that to. Most people who live in natural disaster prone areas like that own a generator. At least homeowning residents. I doubt apartment dwellers do. It’s not enough of a reason to go EV; perhaps if generators didn’t exist, but that’s just a silly proposition. Certainly,

Confirmed, it’s a 21 gal tank on the base model. But apparently that one is rated at 28 mpg, so you’re near 600 miles there. City driving would be less, but if we’re talking about range numbers above 500 miles, then you’re talking to people who will predominantly be doing a large portion of the miles on the highway.

My Panamera does. 26 gallon tank. In my normal driving, I average around 22mpg. That’s getting close to 600 miles. If I’m not going to work that week, and I’m doing all city street driving, it drops down to 18-19mpg, but even then, that’s only a hair under 500.

No, you don’t do that. You work it in. I have 10 gallons of Rotopaxes, whose main function is to provide added range during long offroading trips. But, they also get used at home. Once it’s time or almost time to fill up again, I’ll first fill up with the Rotopaxes, and then take those now empty ones with my to the

I would blame the tax code more than the douchebag. If you have the means, it doesn’t make sense to not take the tax break. 

Yeah, very salient points. Adulthood is not an on/off switch. You transition into it over years. Even in my 40s, I still feel there’s things that I’m further maturing on. You have to let your kids go out and explore on their own. You have to hope you did a good job and instilled those values.

Well, you can’t fix psychopathy. Second, it’s better for him to be locked up for whatever that period of time is, because that’s that much less time he could be causing destruction. Punishment, especially involving your freedom, can be a pretty good deterrent. Perfect? Hell no, otherwise recidivism wouldn’t be a

I can tell you haven’t worked in a service industry in an area where there’s a lot of tourism. It’s not necessarily more tourism = more money = more good. There’s thresholds. At a certain point, the chaos of such business causes more harm than good. Employees become dissatisfied and move on elsewhere, which then

That’s a lot of assumptions, lol. Not everyone buys $800 clunkers. Most people take a loan to finance a car, even used. Some dude probably bought it for like $75k, enjoyed (or used) it for a few years, and wants to get into something else. That doesn’t mean they don’t do maintenance hah.

Agreed. There’s too much false bravado nonsense spewed about “never back down” or “stand your ground”. It’s your life. You can get another car. You can make more money. You can buy another house. Etc. Guess what? Your family doesn’t get another dad, or another mom, or another brother, or another sister, or whoever did

Meh, if you look at his ideologies, voting history, and statements, he’s more aligned with Republicans than with Democrats. He says he’s a Democrat. But people are not what they say they are. People are what they do. I can say I’m a duck, but that doesn’t make me one, and it doesn’t make me not a human.

This is so true. Almost anyone frequenting this site is not close to the average car buyer.

But damn, is it one fucking ugly car. Like, there’s cars that are ugly kind of on purpose. The Model Y is trying to look like a normal car but fails miserably.

And it’s likely that if the justices retire, it will be in a fashion that’s favorable to Republicans. If you look at the history of appointees, and not just at the Supreme Court level, but in some of the more important lower courts, Republican justices/judges seem to almost always retire strategically, in a time when

No, actually. Any justice. Whether they have right tendencies, leftist tendencies, or centrist tendencies. I want ALL corruption to be weeded out. If one of the liberal justices is found to have committed the same ethical misgivings, and that means a new justice put in their place, so be it.

It’s a weird hobby, kinda. Did it as a kid. Then had my own kid and got a set for myself as a Christmas nostalgia thing. Then another one at some point. Now I have about 12 or so Speed Champion cars. They’re smaller sets, and I just keep them on a couple shelves. But at this age, it’s a build once and then display,

Well part of it is you just have to work for it. The money’s not gonna come to you magically. You probably could be rich, but you’d have to devote a bunch of time to it, have some luck, and make a lot of sacrifices. Wishing for it is stupid.

Here’s the thing though. Even those $56b on paper is still from the company’s funds on paper. It’s not like they can print a piece of paper and he has $56 on paper out of nowhere. It still comes from some pool. And while it’s true that companies don’t have nearly that much cash on hand, nor capital, such a large

Lol dude, you get defensive in everyyy comment. Grow up. You’re so insecure that you feel like you have to defend every negative comment. You get trolled so easily, you gotta just let some shit go. I have started to avoid your articles, because they seem pretty low effort, and you can’t just take a comment that isn’t

Bro I had one of these role through our neighborhood earlier today. Not polished, but it was wrapped in black, but that’s besides the point. I heard a vehicle coming but didn’t look because I was doing some shit in the yard. As it passed by I casually glanced up and it was that monstrosity. I’m aware of how ugly it