Lyle Petersminkle

As a video producer of many years I have run into this so much it hurts. Here is the moral of the story folks: If you have no reasonable expectation of privacy (in a public place) I can film you all day long for no damn reason and getting upset about it means nothing to me legally.

Braun: [Receives shot in the ass]

Now playing

Where is the video with sound? When the car sounds better than it looks, and it looks that nice, you should let its voice be heard....

Sure you say that now.

There is a reason my name is not Mr.TheEnglishProfessor

You must be short, becasue obvious went right over your head.

Yup. The photo up the page with the LMP1 Porsche next to the GT 911 racer gives you all the context you need.

There's a fine line between (a) being a fair critic about someone's creative work or execution and (b) just being a dick about it.

So, because he disagrees with you, he's a troll? Ok, dude.

That's Actually a pretty good summary!

I've got just the stuff

I registered just to comment on this article. IMHO I think this is completely sensationalist BS. Source: I'm an airline pilot for one of the top 3 largest airlines in the world....


This is professional racing in cars with fenders. There's no 13/13 rule, no "gentleman's agreement". It's not club racing, it's not the amateur series that was the ALMS. They were racing for the win on the last lap, What did you want him to do, give a point by?

Are...are you on drugs?

Does Jalopnik really need this snob shit?

What I want to know is why the 1996 Space Jam website still works?

"declaratory and restrictive clauses" You appear to be correct good sir, and so far the only person to attempt to argue without being inflammatory.

"Guns are the suxxor! We should ban all of them!"