Ironically, international audiences were pissed that 100% of the screen was occupied by the Indy 500.
Ironically, international audiences were pissed that 100% of the screen was occupied by the Indy 500.
I spent the whole article waiting for him to confess that he listens to smooth jazz while guiding the probe in.
Stop beating around the bush. What are you trying to say?
I'm not sure whether that's meant to be impressive or sad...
You use 1,000 to launch, and the rest 69 you.
Frankly, I thought my follow-up question was better:
Isn't that the same as arresting the guy who legally sold a gun to someone who then kills with it? Completely stupid.
The bus isn't the only thing that needs a fluid change.
I'm not defending the killing, but I do understand the hatred that consumes you when someone close to you is killed unjustly, or when your life is uprooted and ripped out of existence by political and military decisions. It is not something that is easy to forgive, when you know the coldblooded killers walk freely. It…
Pretty sure there is a Toyota Hilux in there somewhere...
Apparently that is an extremely surreal thing with the rift actually, your brain struggles o make the distinction that what you are looking at is real, no matter how much you tell it otherwise.
Some people are goddamn horrible. This is a unnecessary tragic loss. I know it's difficult but sometimes when emotions get the best of us, just separate yourself from the situation and take time to yourself before you go address the issue. It is never necessary to be reckless and put yourself or others in harms way.…
I was driving home from downtown Saturday night (Sunday morning) and was literally the third car behind the cops just after this happened. My boys and I thought it was a DUI checkpoint until we saw the cars. If we would have left a few minutes earlier it could of been us, we were three people in a black truck also. So…
It seems like a better lock design would involve thick steel tubing filled and pressurized with a fluorescent dye like the dye bombs banks throw in with cash when they're being robbed. My thought is that the angle grinder would come in contact with the dye and shower everything in the vicinity with a misting of…