I mean, he kind of does. You don’t think that if he somehow ended up in an elected government role, that he wouldn’t be attempting to censor people, or increase the ability to censor?
I mean, he kind of does. You don’t think that if he somehow ended up in an elected government role, that he wouldn’t be attempting to censor people, or increase the ability to censor?
They certainly do! Huge plus for the buyer! I got mine for about 70, it was about 160 to the sucker who bought it new. Fantastic car.
It’s a little disingenuous to say that your EV has only lost ~10% of it’s range, in the same manner as, say, having 10% of your range before you need to fill up. Are you really going to drive the car until it has only 50% range left? Maybe, but I kind of doubt it. What’s the crossover point? No one’s keeping their…
Lol, you said it right there. It’s a blog. Not a international award winning journalistic endeavor.
I don’t get it man. I can understand driving a 911 or Ferrari or something a thousand miles a year or something, you know, as a date night car or weekend cruiser. But who the hell has 20 or 30 year old shit-cars with 5k, 10k, 15k miles?
It’s spot on, though. The simplification should make the process simpler, as well. It highlights the fact that losing weight is conceptually simple. Take in fewer calories than you burn. What does that leave you with?
On a whole, yes. But that ship has sailed already. There’s no going back, those prices are increased already. Me ditching my credit card isn’t going to make those merchants sell to me for slightly cheaper. If I’m buying a TV, I’m paying $1000, whether it’s cash or on a credit card. But, if I use my credit card, I’m…
That’s not a patina. That’s paint clear coat and paint deteriorating/fading.
Let’s be honest. We car enthusiasts are a fucking tiny minority of car buyers. Manual is fun, in the right car, but even then it’s gotta be some spirited driving to some extent, and there are plenty of times when you can’t or just don’t.
If you want a wonderful demonstration of our society today, you only have to look at your post and the comments that resulted from it.
In part, it also depends on what you’ve driven in the past. If all I ever owned was my first vehicle, a ‘99 Dakota, yeah, the Tesla would have been the best car I ever owned. I have a Porsche now, and the quality is so much higher. The materials are nicer, the fitment is nicer. There’s a certain solidity to it; for…
If you’re buying a car in the US, you’ll be reading US signs, in English. The word is better than an icon at that point.
It’s way more visible what it says now lol, you’re nuts!
C’mon man, get outta here with that decree that the kids WILL need therapy.
I did, and was so disappointed :( The Home Depot employee at my local, on the other hand, wowza. That said, I wouldn’t recognize her in person if I didn’t know it was the same person.
Yeah right! At least on some cars. But I’ve only had it on my current car, so I hate them, because my experience is n=1.
Curious where you’ve chosen to draw this arbitrary line about objectively harming everyone on the planet. Is it at cruise ships? Or does it start at planes? Maybe before that, at cars? Or even less?
It’s not really asking to pay taxes to support those services. They don’t need to ask. They just take/steal/acquire/etc (depending on your POV here) whether you like it or not.
As a total non-billionaire, I can confirm this shit can happen easily. At one of my jobs, I was an absolute stud at what I did. Just happened to be really talented. Well, I would get non stop praise from the other employees as well as my bosses. Holy shit did it go to my head, and I became quite full of myself and…