Lyle Petersminkle

This is easily available. Just google it. Flying is by no means clean. Cruise ships, per passenger per mile, are much worse.

I can see Porsche doing this, or something “petty” as well. They have a history of these kinds of shenanigans. The most famous one I remember of theirs was the Le Mans poster where Porsches took all but 1 spot in the top 10, and it was 10th they missed out on. It said “No one’s perfect” and listed Porsche all the way

Pharmacist here. You’ll be fine with almost all solid oral dosage forms of medication (plus, they’re already frozen!). The ones you wouldn’t be okay with leaving in the car would have specific handling instructions any way. Liquid forms are much more susceptible to degradation and/or denaturation. Some will be fine,

This is a total exaggeration. Well, just the part about them being usually on. Ooooonce in a while you’ll come across some truck dude with his lightbar on. And yes, it’s super annoying. I flash them the brights, but I’ve never gotten one turned off.  But c’mon, it’s not like you’re running into a few of those every

I kiiind of agree with this. But it’s only a few things, really. Like the dudes who have D shackles on their recovery points all the time. They’re ALWAYS a contrasting color too. It’s never a black D shackle that’s perma-left on a black bumper. Or the shovel and axe attached to the roof rack. Or the hi-lift jack

It really depends on how you define competitor in this regard.

I dunno man. I agree that most of these are in the possession of boomers currently, but we’re also in the age of knowing the price of everything with a quick goog. You’re not going to stumble on a deal in the same way you used to be 20 or 30 years ago. I’m in my late 30s, and among my friends, we’d all love something

I feel like I’ve never seen one of these in person, or at least I definitely didn’t notice it.

Really not that crazy once you think about it. A lot of teens will get a growth spurt in those years. So they will end up basically adult sized at that age, along with being able to drive, vote, and join the military. Cars are also made with seats in mind for people of adult stature, including back seats. So, it’s not

It certainly does keep moving, and that’s a good thing. I’m eager for the day when today’s 5 star crash tests become tomorrow’s 1 star tests. Despite the fact cars are safer now than ever, there’s still a ton of deaths. Hopefully the numbers continue to decline as we get new technology, and as current technology

I’m less of a keep-every-physical-button dude and more of a get-rid-of-gigantic-screen(s) dude. They’re distracting by their nature. And they keep getting bigger and bigger. My buddy has a new Ram pickup, and the screen is fucking monstrous. I think he said 19". That’s nuts. If you need any proof, put a screen in

He’s got a point though. One, we get to see who among us is a hateful racist. Two, perhaps if they’re only of the mild variety, they’ll eventually see how ridiculous their positions are as tons of people call them out for their nasty speech. Three, it helps to be part of a constant reminder that we still have a lot of

That’s an assumption. Do you realize that some people drive with both feet, even in an automatic? It’s something my dad taught me, which I kind of ignored for a number of years after he told me about it. It wasn’t until I was driving with him and we were inches away from smashing into a car that had started to run a

Which trim and options did you have for both? That can play a big role with Porsches, although I’ve never owned an Alfa so I’m a bit fuzzy on their stuff. I’ve driven a base Panamera and own a Panamera Turbo. They handle so much differently. The Turbo not only handles better in comfort setting, but also in sport plus

Literally no one on this site has or is shopping for one of those. That’s probably why. While a GT3 is out of reach for most of viewers here, it’s not ridiculously expensive, and you can still possibly afford it on a professional’s salary (Dr, pharmacist, engineer, etc) if you’re not just starting out in that career.

Wouldn’t be surprised by the 4Runner. I bought mine in ‘16 with 36k miles. I checked recently, out of curiousity, and now with 98k miles, I could get roughly the same amount.

Yeah, overwhelmingly, your car you get (no matter what) will probably be just fine. Now, I’m throwing numbers out of my asshole here, but let’s say on average you have a 1 in 5 chance of having a major problem in the first 5 years of ownership. A Chrysler product may have a 1 in 4 chance, while a Porsche may have a 1

It’s not the places that are hostile to bike riders. There’s nothing inherently hostile about cities to bike riders. Imagine that vehicles were not allowed on the roads for a week or so. It’s not like those pathways would stay as dangerous. Rather, it’s the presence of people driving vehicles that makes it dangerous.

Wait, do people call the Stratosphere just The Strat these days!?

No, it punishes the flipper too. It becomes harder to sell when you know there’s less of a warranty on something that would normally have the full warranty. I’m not buying that car if I know some of it won’t be warrantied, especially when I can find one that’s a few months older and past that cutoff, which would have