Lyle Petersminkle

It’s not really a “you can’t do this” thing. It’s more of a you-sign-this-agreement-and-will-adhere-to-it-or-these-are-the-consequences thing. Kinda like many things. If you don’t like it, you can go buy something else.

Lol, you’re on the internet. Calm down bro. Imagine being an adult and calling people names. That’s shit I’ve taught my child not to do. The funny thing is, you’re most likely name calling another adult, and I’m pretty sure most of us became immune to that stuff after middle or maybe high school. You’re basically

Have you? They’re actually pretty good, and on par with that specific manufacturer’s other offerings. Are you still operating under the impression you had in the 80s? The only aspect in which they seem worse is due to the huge number of onboard electronics, which of course provides that many additional chances of

Well, yeah. I’m not a contractor, so I’m not hauling shit in my truck every day. I’m also not upper class or anything, so I can’t have a truck just for the times I need it and something small and economical for my driving around town. I usually work on house and yard projects on the weekend, so I do hit up the HDs and

I think that goes without saying. Locals do hate stuff that interrupts their local life. And that’s totally fair. You, as the local, are having your routines, your residences, your places of work, your places of thoroughfares, etc, interrupted so that an outside corporation who doesn’t actually give a shit about you

It’s also an age thing. This thing hasn’t aged enough to be as collectible as the it will be in the future. Some cars are collectibles after 15 or 20 or 25 years (my neighbor has an original WRX STI, for instance), and other cars need to wait 40 or 50 years before they become sought after. How quickly it becomes a

Because it being unblocked does not prohibit the actual event from taking place. It’s also a public thoroughfare, so you can’t just take that away from the people. I totally get it if one of the hotels owned it and they wanted to limit access, or sell it, but this is a public bridge. This is basically government doing

Ya bro. As someone who offroads frequently, and has done it a long time, I can tell you there are a number of things that make this monstrosity already be handicapped as far as offroading capability. You mentioned some of them. Another important thing to mention is weight. You obviously need some weight to push down

I mean, not for that comment. It was both truthful, and nothing inflammatory about it. I don’t know about the rest of their posting history, though.

Dicks all around. Sensitivity all around. It boils down to, if you’re making jokes about it to hurt someone’s feelings, you’re being malicious, and you’re a dick. You can even drill that down further to this: if you’re being malicious, you’re a dick. But on the flip side, you can’t control other people or what they

I can see that. At a lick under 6'2", I barely fit and am able to sleep in the back of my 4runner. Another two inches and I’d have to have a bend in my legs the whole night, which would be uncomfortable.

I dunno, perhaps because they’re human beings first and people of a particular nation second. You and I are lucky to have been born, through no action of our own, to parents who birthed us in this great nation. The asylum seekers, through no fault of their own, were born to parents in a war stricken country and are

I feel like my brain went rogue and already posted this. These are like my exact thoughts.

But there was a good management plan. They did balance conservation and access. They just didn’t do it to the exact amount or ratio that you wanted. It’s not about what you want. If they hadn’t balanced conservation and access, you’d have a helluva lot more than 317 miles closed. Sure, it sucks not being able to go on

That’s exactly what they’re doing. Balancing those things. You’re crying as if they closed every single mile of trail and you won’t be able to take your brodozer stomping on any land whatsoever. Reread the article my guy. They closed less than 50% of the trails. They did it to help recondition some of the land. That’s

Good point. Some of the design cues are so weird and try-hard. A bunch of cars have small blue accents on logos or on the grill or on labels to indicate they’re EV or PHEV. Others have obnoxiously wide or large non-headlight LED lighting, also to I guess somehow show off it’s an EV. Then there’s the body styles on a

You’ll be waiting a while. They’re anti-consumer, and by a vast majority, people aren’t anti-themselves. It’ll come, just don’t expect hundreds of replies.

I think I ungreyed you? While I don’t think the orders were ridiculous (we were at the beginnings of a potentially deadly virus, which in the long run, turned out to not be nearly as deadly as it could have been), I do think you bring up a salient point.

Model 3 is not the best looking Tesla. It looks like the car version of someone with no ass and bitter beer face. The Model S at least has a wide/lower stance, so looks sportier, and has a front end that at least resembles a normal car with a grill. Yeah, I know you don’t need a grill, but that Model 3 front end with

I’m trying to imagine who the hell buys these new. Yeah, a lot go to rental companies, but not all. I can see the point of a used one, you know, you need or can only afford a cheap beater. But brand new? Who’s THAT’s the best thing out there for them?