Lyle Petersminkle

Maybe because I work with a bunch of 20 year olds, but even I as a dude in my 40s saw that as Shell Station sus. Way to out yourselves Shell. Of course you’re sus with shit like this.

Fun to drive, instant full torque from stop is a blast.”

I wouldn’t say through no fault of their own. There are things people can do to change their situation. Saying it’s no fault of their own implies that they are powerless to improve their predicament. They are not. Don’t get me wrong, it can be incredibly difficult, but that is a far cry from impossible.

Lot of truth to this. I’m well into the 100s, and even for me, my raises are dictated to me. I can accept it, or I can be unhappy about it (and quit if I want to). Corporate gives our locations a certain amount to disperse to the employees as raises. My boss doesn’t even get to control it for those whose work merits a

Dude, it takes roughly the same amount of time to pull into a space backwards, or pull out of a space backwards. Unless mandated by ordinance, do whatever the hell is safer/more comfortable for you. If someone backs into a spot slowly, it’s not like they’re going to be a speed demon backing out of a spot if they had

Weird title. Who the hell cares if you press it once or twice or ten times?

Maybe there’s the odd one here or there. But you can tell they actually do something because at most intersections, if you press the button during a time of day with little to no traffic (let’s say 9pm), the other way will have a green light + walk sign UNTIL someone presses the walk button (or pulls up to the stop

Okay, so if that employer did give a 30 day suspension, then all employees are bad? LOL, nice analogy. Any time someone’s opinion on the subjective aspect of a group of people goes something like “all (group) are (subjective descriptor)”, you know you’re dealing with someone that just can’t think deeply about a

Pointless to you?

1. Right around in a circle we go. Yes, this season is still compelling. The season is about so much more than who grabs the one and only top spot, at least to the dedicated fans. Maybe you’re speaking from a very casual fan’s perspective (similar to how I’m a super casual NFL fan, in other words, I google the scores

Where do you see that the captain knew the man was overboard? This happened in like 10 or 15 seconds.

Well then it’s doubly (or more!) inconsiderate of the company for not having a system in place to turn away cars that are too dirty. If they don’t have the proper drainage and removal mechanisms for large amounts of detritus, then they should have a way to determine who can get a wash and who can’t. After all, if

I have no qualms with someone rinsing the majority of their shit off in a self serve first, but also, it’s not really their responsibility to do that before going to the regular car wash. It’s the car wash’s responsibility to turn away customers whose cars could damage their equipment, which could then in turn damage

Better for who? You assume the majority of people want something different, when that isn’t the case, and hasn’t been borne out in sales numbers either. I like that this game is familiar. Of course there are tons of similar elements. But guess what, there are tons of similar games that are made by different studios.

That almost never occurs. Sure, it helps. But how much more do you have to pay for that functionality vs just a regular door, huh? I’d rather carefully suck my stomach in and slide through the door a few times over the life of the vehicle vs pay more for what has more downsides than upsides for the majority of people.

It’s less about showing people how much money I have, and more about the vehicle having what I want and what I like, which is at a price point that cheaper cars don’t have. In my case, it wasn’t a truck (my truck for wheeling is a 4runner, not exactly the most expensive truck out there), but a sports car. I wanted

I can of have the same question. I got into a good career making ~150k, my wife ~100k. We have a nice house, but it’s not niiiiice. It’s not even a million dollar home, which isn’t saying too much in this market.

As you said, on the onboard you can see Piastri. That’s not the important thing.

No no no. The Model S is not a luxury vehicle. Premium, sure I get the point, but I wouldn’t even put it there. It has luxury-pricing. The quality of the materials, their finish, the sturdiness of how the interior is built, that is most definitely not luxury, especially if we’re talking about the older models. An E

My quick eye test of if a dude is spending a ton of money just for the looks is the paint. If you wheel frequently enough, you’re going to have pinstripes all along your truck. Most buff out, but you’re not getting them out with a quick wash, so it’s very evident.