Lived here for 30+ years. There’s a reason they say it’s a dry heat. It is.
Lived here for 30+ years. There’s a reason they say it’s a dry heat. It is.
Horsepower is BY FAR not the only measure of performance. There’s some stuff, like steering communication, throttle response, handling, etc, that you can’t quantify easily, yet they absolutely matter.
Right? I’m 40. Ain’t no way my body can deteriorate enough in 2 years to get to the point where putting a kayak on a small CUV is going to be the death of me. But, I exercise and strength train (although, everyone should, especially the older they are, to preserve that healthy lean mass).
If I’m buying a Toyota, I want them to be tried and true old designs. I have a Porsche for a fun car, yeah, I’ll enjoy the amenities and luxury in that. My Toyota truck, I don’t need any frills, but I do need it to be reliable as shit when I’m wheeling it remotely. I actually like the fact that there isn’t a whole…
It seemed it was less the engine that people had a problem with (at least the reviewers who know how to critique such things), and more the poorly designed chassis.
It’s like dressing up while you go out for dinner. You can’t really see yourself (except when you catch your reflection, as you sometimes do while driving too), but you know you look good, and that feeling of knowing you look good just makes you feel good.
They may play it down, and that’s a dick thing to do to the people who guided you up, but they’ve done something you haven’t and that’s probably physically harder than any event you’ve done, despite the help. (Now imagine someone who goes without mega-assistance, damn). It still requires really good physical fitness,…
A lot...err I don’t know exactly, but, some people do it because of the ever increasing intrusiveness of the CA government. There are two main themes I’ve noticed over the last couple of years. The first was as a result of COVID mandates, laws, ordinances, etc. Some felt they were too restrictive, limited their…
C’mon, of course Lewis got fucked in 21. That’s the angriest I’ve been with the sport. But to think this is simply a way to shower Verstappen with praise, please. Just because it’s going to benefit him the most (with a high probability), doesn’t mean it’s meant for him. They’re not that big of cucks.
Eh, you’re talking about different things. You’re talking about when you look around the plane and you can’t easily see an empty seat, or “man the flight was packed”. They’re talking about legitimately full, as in every single seat has been sold and is occupied, stuff that a passenger can’t really see or verify on…
Not with that attitude.
I don’t think it’s a message for anything. It’s just something shitty that’s happened and now is most likely claiming five lives. But regarding the dead being left to rest in peace...they’re dead. They’re not resting, they’re dead. The presence of other humans, along with vehicles, etc, has no effect on what is at…
Curious to know which truck you would take off road for its capability.
Meh there’s more to it, but the gap is definitely closing. If you care zero about brand status, you can save yourself 10-20k. But there’s still some stuff that’s done better in luxury cars than nonluxury. We bought a Porsche recently. The materials, the sturdiness of the buttons/handles/vents/etc, the fit and…
Overrated? Maybe. Off the roads in under 10 years? Fat chance. Several Japanese manufacturers are at the top of the ratings for cars lasting the longest. Sure, you had some bad luck on got some Japanese cars that didn’t last long; that happens. That just means your specific cars didn’t fare well. Perhaps improper…
Also, the whole bought vs built.
This sounds like the kind of argument that two dudes who work as assistant managers at a retail store would get into in the parking lot while wearing their cheap dress shirts and sunglasses, both feeling defined as humans by their $25000 cars.
Holy cherrypicking!
Joking aside, cuz obviously WY has schools and jobs, a lot of people like Wyoming because of it’s incredibly low population. Some people just don’t want to live in crowded areas. Like myself; I’d love to live there to not be able to see my neighbors, to live near mountains, to drive far distances for groceries (I love…
You’re not giving full credence to the whole conversation though. It’s not just about carbon emissions at the tailpipe. It’s ALL emissions. It’s ALL material breakdown that ends up in the environment. And you absolutely cannot forget about the environmental cost of building the product itself.