It also depends, are you racing on a track or are you driving on a public road. These require different approaches when determining optimality.
It also depends, are you racing on a track or are you driving on a public road. These require different approaches when determining optimality.
Do you know how much power it takes to run a gas pump? Hint: it’s not a lot; you’re using a pump plus simple electronics. Guess what those can be run on? Generators! Guess what generators use as fuel. Gas, the very thing in absolutely abundant supply at gas stations!
But it’s hard to go mainstream when the very nature of production of the product is, as stated, time and labor intensive. It’s not something that can just be stamped out of a sheet of steel or aluminum once you have a mold. So the time involvement drives up the price, and the price inherently keeps it from being used…
It’s also probably one of the reasons these engines last so long. They’re built strong, and also aren’t generating a ton of power. Moving to a new engine that increases power but does it at the expense of cylinders and/or natural aspiration, and you have a recipe for an engine that will be under higher stresses. Time…
It wouldn’t work WITHOUT pooling risk. In relation to driving, if you didn’t pool risk, then your rates would be purely based on you. Good driver with zero tickets and zero accidents? Your rate would be incredibly low. Gotten a few tickets and been involved in a few accidents? Your rate would be incredibly high, and…
Dude, your singular experience isn’t going to convince anyone. Anyone looking into the brand and concerned about reliability will be looking at some place with actual data, not one bro telling his story. And what they’ll find is the same things that have given Jeep and Chrysler their stereotype for poor reliability;…
Depends how you define rarely. Is any specific owner going to experience an issue in the next month. It’s rare. But that’s the case for pretty much ever car. What is more important is how often do problems occur in relation to other makes and models. And unfortunately, this is where Tesla ranks low in reliability,…
Uhhh, that’s not the planner’s fault. It’s not the planner’s responsibility to make sure the races happen super quick, one right after the other. Stop shifting blame and not holding the right people accountable.
What you say is true, but remember the current scenario. There are ever increasing safety standards (increased weight). There are ever increasing features that customers demand (increased weight). There is an ever increasing power war, or sorts (increased weight). Hybridization is featuring more and more, and of…
It’s purposefully a very aggressive and confrontational statement, and I don’t like it for that reason. It’s picking a fight simply to pick a fight. I hate that mentality; it’s lazy. I’d prefer to discuss differences, fully understanding that there’ll be plenty of times we can’t reach any kind of middle ground.
That’s objectively true, but vehicles are typically not fully objective purchases. If that were true, you’d own a smaller, cheaper vehicle.
You’re so right. I do a shitload around the house, and I’ve carried 4x8s (whether it’s plywood, OSB, or drywall) on average maybe 1.5 times a year over the last 6 years in our no-longer-new house. Yeah, maybe it takes 5 minutes more, but it gets strapped up top on the 4runner roof rack and it’s actually strapped in,…
Nope, but the answer is that no one’s coming to help you. Help yourself. Get a better job, get more education, get more networking, get more skills, etc. Don’t be a damn passenger and then whine about how wages have stagnated and tuition is skyrocketing and shit. Get in the metaphorical driver’s seat and do something…
Not to mention, look how cramped they look in there. Definitely doesn’t seem comfortable. In my 4runner, my wife and I can sit back there with much more room and don’t feel cramped in the same way this couple looks.
I have 6 digit school loan debt, and my credit union thought that was too much and refused financing, even though the price of the car was well within our means. Dealer financing was a bit higher, but it was a bit of a unicorn car find for us, so we took the jump even though over the life of the loan it’s like ~2k…
While technically true, realistically, it could easily be enough. For simplicity’s sake, let’s say I owe $10k taxes on my $50k truck. They give me $10k. Well, now I owe $2k on my $10k gift. So I use the 10k gift to pay off the 10k in taxes on my 50k truck, and I only owe 2k. Or give them 12k, and they only owe $400.…
You make it seem like you have a good shot at making it into a large corporate law firm. It’s not easy by any means, and most lawyers won’t ever hold a gig like that. The median salary (not just for new lawyers, but across the board) is in the low 100s. A pharmacist makes more for a median income than a lawyer.
Very well put. It’s a reality a lot of people aren’t necessarily as forthcoming about. Shit, me included. I got a Porsche last year. Amazing driving experience, beautiful car. Absolutely love it. But, if I’m being honest, part of the reason was also because it’s a Porsche. Would I have bought the same car if it was…
I see your point, but consider 5-10 years ago what we thought of Hyundai selling $100k luxury cars. Absolutely laughable. Yet they set their sights there, made the Hyundai Equus, which was quite a decent car albeit not selling that well. Then they made the actual Genesis brand, and it’s doing fairly well. I see quite…
For the average person, I think EVs are great. This is not taking into account the environmental issues, which is such a confusing landscape with all the factors to look into as far as sustainability that most don’t even think to explore when saying one technology is superior to the other. I digress.