Lyle Petersminkle

Their flagship is the Maxima. And has been for a decades.

Are you out of your mind? You can absolutely align spacious and fun to drive. I have a 4runner that I’ve modded the fuck out of with drivetrain and suspension components. I can take that thing seemingly anywhere. It is a blast to drive and rock crawl over boulders. It’s also spacious. It may not be fast, but that is

Them lasting forever is the biggest selling point, by far. Other than that, they’re rather boring and don’t innovate on what the non-luxury version of the car brings to the table. They don’t feel unique. For anyone who makes a car purchase at least somewhat subjectively, they just don’t tickle the pickle. For people

Our society doesn’t suck. Go travel the world, and not to just your touristy first world destinations. I mean serve in the military and get deployed to second and third world countries. Or go volunteer with humanitarian aid organizations and travel to some really horrific areas where there is constant fear, fighting,

Honestly, I’d get something else than a Sienna that can only manage 36mph. You just gonna avoid freeways your whole life?

Which part of it looks good to you? To me, it looks like a 7 year old made their first car in SketchUp using a minimal amount of sides.

The way you wrote it makes it seem like you don’t spend Christmas with those jokers any more because they’re Republican. That saddens me. I’d like to think there’s more than strictly “they registered and vote Republican”, but maybe not? But if so, it seems like the details matter more than simply their political

Nah. These aren’t the trucks you typically see with racist flags. Ask me how I know. Because I am “extremely fortunate” to live in an area with a seemingly high population of people with questionable beliefs. Anyway, while these trucks are pretty ridiculous, they typically seem to be owned by decent folk who just

Here’s my question, as I’ve never actually considered purchasing a Hyundai or Kia, so never truly looked into the offerings or how they list the cars.

You’re not really (actually, at all) adding to the conversation by making a claim without any backing. You say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, yet, you could even more easily be accused of the same. That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

Yeah, the AWD is such a relic from decades ago, when in fact it was a bit safer. But we’re driving computers now that make hundreds of calculations and adjustments to power delivery, suspension geometry, etc. You don’t have to worry about your RWD car spinning out or your FWD car not making a tight turn when you’re

I have to agree, I can’t see how they’re just using it as a cost-reduction measure. It’s a lot cheaper to just integrate the device to be controlled by the software, than to also design and build/outsource the production of a new physical part, which also carries a risk of breaking (although, I’ve never had an AC

The thing with auto-controls is that it often gets it wrong. Wrong from the perspective of what I want in the moment.

Not all pollution is visible. Certain contaminants are so much more deleterious to health at a given parts-per-million that they are harmful even when levels are low enough as to not effect human-perceived light transmission (basically, low enough to not make it hazy).

And it’s such a shame. The XK and then the Ftype were on my dream purchases list for so long. But when it finally made financial sense (perhaps ability is a better word?), the specter of reliability kept rearing it’s head. Ended up with a Porsche, and it’s certainly a more reliable car, but it just doesn’t have that

I’m just going to pick on one thing to talk about.

I think you’re putting down a lot of people’s intelligence simply down to a political belief. I can’t fathom that you actually think more than maybe a couple adult human beings actually thought Pelosi controls the weather. Get out of here. Pretty sure that everyone knows that it’s policy decisions that have

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “performance hybrid” as a total catch-all.

Did you see, I think a couple years ago, George Russell spin out at Imola during a safety car period? I believe Romain Grosjean did the same during the Azerbaijan GP, that one was dry though.

As a Ham fan, it’s tempting to say “what if” in regards to Abu Dhabi, but once you start down that route, you should go down the other “what-ifs” as well. But you can’t, because even with that, there’s no clear cut answer.